2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

There are many things in life that clamor for our attention.  We often struggle to define our priorities because there are so many things that are important that we have a hard time recognizing what is the most important issue with which we are faced.  How do we define and determine our priorities?  I believe that one of the reasons that Paul was so successful in His ministry was that He had clearly defined priorities and he lived in accordance with them.  This passage opens a window into Paul’s priorities and I believe we would do well to follow them.
PRAY FOR THE PROGRESS OF THE GOSPEL: It is evident that prayer was one of Paul’s first priorities in life, but beyond that, it is very clear that praying for the kingdom of God was a priority in his praying.  I find that prayer is not nearly the priority in my life that it should be, but when I do pray I don’t pray as I should.  It is so easy to get caught up in all of the cares of our daily lives that we do not make praying for the advancement of the Gospel to focus of our praying.  Paul was constantly praying and asking others to pray for opportunities to proclaim the Gospel and work in the hearts of men.  He prayed for other people to be faithful in their walks with God that they might be effective witnesses for the Lord.  May God help us to pray more and to pray better.
 DEFEND THE DIGNITY OF THE GOSPEL: Paul was deeply concerned about the testimony of all believers and was constantly calling believers to life holy lives.  But beyond that he insisted that bodies of believers challenge and hold one another accountable in their walks with God.  Paul would not tolerate lazy and disobedient believers hanging around the church like this type of behavior was normal.  The name of Christ is tarnished by the unfaithfulness of His children.  When we ignore sin in our lives or in the lives of the people around us, we are contributing to the hindrance of the Gospel.  We must be zealous in our own lives and in the lives of those who call themselves believers that are around us.  We must have the courage to confront sin out of love for our brothers but also out of love for our Lord and a burning desire to see His name high and lifted up.


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