2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

The rapture of the church and the day of the Lord’s judgment on the earth during the tribulation period are events that fill us with both a sense of hope and fear.  The timing of the rapture in relation to the tribulation has been a rather polemic discussion within theological circles.  I believe that the rapture of the church could happen at any time and that it will proceed the seven year tribulation period and the reign of anti-christ on the earth.  However, I realize that there are many who would disagree with this position.  This chapter of Scripture is used by both sides of the argument.  The key to interpreting this passage is the definition of the phrase “day of the Lord.”  If we define this term as referring to only the rapture, then this text clearly teaches that the rapture will either be during or after the reign of anti-christ and the tribulation.  However, if we define the phrase as referring to the time of wrath or the tribulation, then the passage at least implies that the rapture will be prior to the tribulation.  Obviously, I have chosen the latter definition.  Beyond this polemic issue, this chapter has some very practical advice for all of us as we consider the return of Christ.
WE MUST NOT BE DECEIVED ABOUT THE COMING OF CHRIST: Throughout history there have been groups and individuals who have tried to deceive believers about the rapture of the church.  I believe that such a group had arrived in Thessalonica and were telling the believers there that they were already in the tribulation period.  This struck fear into their hearts because they had previously been taught by Paul that the rapture would come before the tribulation.  Apparently, the church was very concerned over the thought that they had somehow missed the rapture and now found themselves in the tribulation.  Paul assures them that this was not the case and that the tribulation would be marked by the reign of anti-christ so they were not yet in the tribulation and the rapture had not yet occurred.  Unfortunately, many men have continued to try to deceive the church about the rapture.  Most frequently, this deception comes in the form of predicting the date of the rapture.  This is an exercise in futility and should always be immediately dismissed by all, no matter how convincing their mathematical equations might seem.  Do not be deceived by these false teachers!
WE MUST DETAIN THE COMING OF ANTI-CHRIST:  Now, I don’t believe that can change God’s mind about the date He has determined for the rapture of the church to occur.  However, I do believe that it is our responsibility to work on this earth against the all too prominent teachings of anti-christ that permeate our society.  I believe that the rapture of the church will be the event that removes the preserving influence of the church and the work of the Holy Spirit through believers that, today, are working to detain the teachings and dominance of anti-christ.  Until Christ calls us home, our job is to spread the fame of Christ and try to slow the tide of sin and rebellion against God and His Word that constantly pound upon the shores of our society like waves eroding the beaches on which they crash.  We will not be able to save this world; it is destined for the flame.  However, we must work as hard and as fast as we can to harvest the souls of men through the proclamation of the Gospel that as many men as possible might be rescued with us from the wrath to come.
WE MUST BE DILIGENT UNTIL THE COMING OF CHRIST: Until Christ comes, we have a job to do and we must be faithful to our Lord to perform that task.  We must not live in fear of these events, but place our hopes firmly upon them.  Our hearts should fill with gratitude over the salvation with which Christ has blessed us.  We have a blessed assurance that our lives are secure in Him.  We must stand firm in the teachings of God’s Word and not be swept away by the tides and currents that swirl around the world in which we live.  We must constantly remind ourselves that God is in control and that Christ is coming to take us home.  These truths should anchor our hearts in hope and allow us to have an impact on the world in which we live instead of being overcome by the surge of sin that surrounds us.  May we  work hard ,stand firm and be diligent until that glorious day when He call us into His glorious presence.


  1. I loved this one dad! It was very motivational and convicting at the same time. motivational in the sense as it that flame in my heart for missions - to get out there and "bring in the harvest" while there's still time, and convicting realizing that I should be doing that all the time, whether I'm on a foreign mission field or not. And convicting realizing that I more often than not complain about the fact that Christ hasn't come back yet - when i should look at it as a mercy that he has been so patient with us... not gonna lie though - I do still long for that day when we will finally see Him face to face.


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