Ephesians 5:1-33

I have found that most solutions to the problems people face are very practical.  As with anything, the Christian walk has some very basic principles that, if followed, will help us avoid a lot of suffering and make life work a whole lot better.  Unfortunately these principles are contrary to the society in which we live, Satan’s temptations, and our own selfish natures.  However, if we will learn to avoid just a few of these potholes, we will be well down the road to a life that is pleasing to God and pleasant to us.
DON’T BE DECIEVED BY SINNERS: It is important that we maintain our minds on “military mode.”  By that I mean that we need to realize that we are at war.  Satan, society and self constantly bombard us with that which is contrary to God’s Word and will.  We need to be on high alert to make sure that we are not deceived into living according to our own lusts instead of in a way that pleases God.  The principle is simple: live to please God instead of others, self or Satan.  The problem is that we long to please and be accepted by others, we live to please ourselves, and we listen to Satan’s lies much more that we are willing to admit to ourselves.  This is why we much always measure the advice of others and our own thoughts according to the Word of God.  The Bible will never deceive us or lead us astray and it will also arm us adequately to fight against the worldly ways that are at war for our wills, hearts and minds.
DON’T BE DISTRACTED FROM THE SPIRIT: One of the greatest dangers we face in our lives, and I think one of Satan’s most common tricks is distraction.  We may not fall for the blatant or obvious sins, but we can be easily distracted from that which is best by that which is just okay or questionable.  God wants us to use our time wisely and to submit our thoughts, attitudes and actions to the Spirit of God.  He wants to control us instead of just going along with what everyone else is doing.  When we relinquish control of our hearts and minds to others, any substance or even our own desires we are being distracted from the best and wise life that the Lord wants to lead us on through the direction of His Spirit.  We must remain focused on His will and then willingly submit to it.
DON’T BE DISRESPECTFUL TO YOUR SPOUSE: Perhaps one of the greatest enemies to our marriages is a lack of respect.  The husband and wife have different roles in the marriage and we are called to fulfill our roles as well as honor and respect the role of our spouse.  As long as we put our spouse and their needs above our own, we will have marriages that last and are enjoyable.  Women are called to sweetly submit to their husbands while husbands are called to lovingly lead their wives.  Submission without sweetness is just another form of rebellion and disrespect.  Leadership without love is just another form of tyranny and is also disrespectful.  Each of us is called to fulfill his or her roles in marriage in the way that God has called us to.  As long as we honor and respect one another as we fulfill these roles, our marriages will be an example of Christ and His love to a world that desperately needs to see the love of Christ modeled in our marriages. We can spread the fame of Christ most effectively by cultivating a loving respect for one another in our marriages.


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