Revelation 14:1-20

We live in a world of contrasts.  There is a consistent contrast between good and evil, love and hate, peace and war, hope and despair.  These contrasts have been the constant companions of the history of this planet since the fall of man.  One of the problems we face in the world today is that the consequences of these contrasting realities do not seem to be consistent with what we expect them to be.  We expect for good to be rewarded and for evil to be punished.  However, the reality of our current circumstances often results in just the opposite.  Evil often prospers and good seems to suffer.  We must be assured of the fact that these disparaging consequences are only temporary and only occur as a result of having to live on a sin cursed planet under the domain of Satan.  It is of utmost importance that we remember that things will not always be this way.
THE REST WITH GOD FOR THE SAINTS: During the tribulation period God sets off on a campaign to draw clear contrasts on this planet between good and evil.  Today’s world is clouded with all kinds of different shades of grey.  God see the world and wants us to see the world in black and white.  There are saints that live during the tribulation who have been saved by the grace of God.  These are believers who have refused to submit to the tyranny of Anti-Christ and have placed themselves under the authority and protection of Christ.  As long as these believers are on the earth they suffer greatly and most are killed for their testimony.  However, once they reach heaven and are in the presence of God, they begin to enjoy a rest, peace and bliss that are beyond anything they have experienced that causes all the pain and injustice of this world to fade away.  They will worship the Lord with fullness and gladness.  It seems that the 144,000 who minister during the tribulation will have unique abilities in their expression of worship.  This joy is worship will be the experience of all saints who inhabit heaven through faith in Christ.  We may have difficulties today and our circumstances may seem unfair, but all who are in Christ will experience the rest from suffering for all of eternity.
THE WARTH OF GOD UPON THE SINNERS: The tribulation is only the beginning of God’s demonstration of His wrath upon sin.  All who rebel against Him, all who reject His goodness and grace will experience God’s wrath in a way that far exceeds anything they have experienced before, but it is a mere appetizer in comparison to the eternal wrath that they will experience.  I think it is amazing to consider that all of the chaos and confusion that occurs on this earth will be brought to a quick culmination as Christ set out to “harvest” the world.  The imagery in this chapter communicates a swift and complete judgment that results in death and destruction.  It is important for us to realize that the ease with which God judges the earth during the tribulation is currently available to God.  He could judge sin and sinners right now.  He chooses to delay because of His grace and desire that men might still come to repentance.  However, one day, the wrath of God will be reveled and all sin will be judged to the fullest.  We must do all we can to prepare men to avoid God’s wrath through faith in Christ.  We must rest assured today in the grace of God and not be stressed or discouraged because the judgment seems to be delayed.  God is in control and He is able to judge this sinful world.  We must be faithful to warn our fellow men of the wrath to come.


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