Revelation 19:1-21

People go about their daily lives on a very normal basis.  When the tribulation period starts things will seem very difficult, but despite the plagues men will move forward and all will become normal again.  That is the reality of history on this earth and is a part of human nature.  That which seems strange or extraordinary, with time will become normal.  That, in many ways, will come to a screeching halt with the events of this chapter.
CHRIST RECIEVES HIS BRIDE: The marriage of Christ and the church is celebrated in the marriage super of the Lamb.  The church has been going through the Judgment Seat of Christ during the tribulation period.  The rewards that are granted during this time become a sort of wedding gift that is lain at the feet of Jesus and the church is granted white linen clothing to wear to this celebration.  This is the moment that we so long to experience.  Our works today are part of the adornment of the bride of Christ and we must serve the Lord faithfully that we might experience the joy and glory of being able to offer these gifts to our Lord.  No pleasure that sin might provide today will compare with the joy that we will experience in that moment when we stand before Christ.
CHRIST RETURNS TO EARTH: In the midst of the chaos and calamity that is going on back on earth, God sends His son once again.  This time Christ does not come as a baby in a manger, but He comes as a conqueror mounted on a great white horse.  His coming is not ignored by men and announced by angels, but it will be visible as He comes in the sky and is accompanied by the hosts of heaven who are also on white horses with white clothing.  I plan to be on one of those horses.  What a glorious experience that will be for us, but it will mark the end of an era when sinful men are in charge of this world.  Sin will never be considered normal again.  Christ has come to the earth and is ready to judge and reign as the King He truly is.  His first coming He came to pay sins price in His death.  Now in His second coming He is coming to rule over the earth.  Things are about to change forever.
CHRIST REJECTS THE NATIONS: All the nations of the world are gathered at war with one another.  However, when Christ appears in the clouds they unite to try to make war with Christ.  This will not be a fair fight.  Christ slaughters all these unbelieving men with the words of His mouth and the buzzards of the world come and feast on the flesh of these men who dared to reject Christ.  When Christ establishes His kingdom He does not seek to reform the existing kingdoms; rather Christ starts over from scratch and establishes a new kingdom over which He will rule and reign supreme.  Today the nations of the World are to bring glory to God.  When they reject Christ, they fail to perform the purpose for which they were created.  This will bring about the eventual judgment of God on these nations.  We must call men to repent now so that they can escape this coming judgment when it will be too late.


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