Revelation 17:1-18

The beast described in this chapter is different from the beasts described in previous chapters; however, they are also very similar to one another.  This beast appears to be working in cooperation with the Anti-Christ, but at the same time there seems to be a large amount of animosity between this beast and the world leaders.  There is much to indicate that this is some sort of religious system or leader that is completely against the work of God in the world through Christ.  We might be tempted to speculate as to what religion this might be, but I do not think that is necessary or wise.  The warning we must heed here is to worship God and not the religions of men.
THE BEAST PROMOTES FALSE ADORATION: One of the key characteristics of this system is that it promotes idolatry and blasphemes against the name of the one and only God of the universe.  The heart of man by its very nature worships.  However, due to our fallen nature our hearts seek out objects of worship other than God.  This, by definition, is idolatry.  Religions should promote the worship of God.  The problem is that many religions become or provide objects of worship in and of themselves.  When men begin to worship the gods of religions instead of the religion promoting the true worship of God, idolatry and blasphemy are the inevitable results.
THE BEAST PROLIFERATES INTENSE PERSECUTION: Religions that are made by men for the glory of men will inevitably promote a hunger for power.  This power is always represented by men within the hierarchy of the religious structure.  When true believers in Christ preach against these false religions, the power of these men is threatened and they respond by hating and persecuting these believers.  Most of the martyrs for Christ throughout the history of the church have not been killed by cannibals in the jungles of the world or by governments in the cities of the world; they have been killed by the religions of men who are trying to preserve their own power and promote their own glory.  Whoever this beast is will take this persecution to very intense levels during the persecution.  I believe that this is not some new religion but a false religion that is very likely in existence today and has historically persecuted the true church of Jesus Christ.  This persecution will intensify during the tribulation.
THE BEAST PESIDES IN HARSH DOMINATION: Not only does this system have authority within the structure of its religion; it also seems to have a great deal of authority over the nations of the world.  This authority is harsh and unyielding.  It is a form of dictatorship that transcends the national boundaries between nations.  Most dictators are limited to the nations over which they dominate.  Religion knows no national boundaries so it has an influence that crosses borders.  It is only natural that there would be great tension between the political and religious leaders.  This beast is unrelenting in the wielding of its authority and has caused, is causing and will cause much suffering for all in the world who dare enter into conflict with its ideology.  This is not a religion of pacifism.
THE BEAST PROVOKES GREAT AGRIVATION: This power struggle between the religions system and the political leaders will cause great animosity.  The kings and rulers of the world that feel like they are under this systems domination truly hate this religion.  They may appear to be cooperative for political survival but, at least inwardly, they detest this other power and long to be free from its domination.  When God, during the tribulation, judges this false religion; the rulers of these nations will be ecstatic.  They will feel like they have been set free from this tyranny.  The sense of freedom and the elation that goes with it will be short lived, because God will soon judge all of these nations too.  The key issue here is that God will judge all false religions, all nations and all men.  The only way to escape this judgment is through faith in Christ.  May we all be faithful to worship God and God alone.    


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