Revelation 15:1-8

Revelation 15:1-8
The worship of God is a theme that constantly surfaces throughout Scripture and especially in the book of Revelation.  I think that gives us a very clear indication of that which will be our focus in heaven as well as that which should occupy our time here on earth.  We are, by our very natures, worshipers.  Unfortunately, our worship is too often directed at objects, others and ourselves.  This will not always be the case.  One day every man, woman and child from every nation of the world will bow in worship before our Lord.
GOD IS WORSHIPED FOR HIS RIGHTEOUS WORKS: The picture that John records in revelation is one of all the saints from every nation on the earth worshiping God for His works and His righteousness.  God is deserving of our worship because of who He is and because of what He has done.  He is the ruler of this world and the judge of all of mankind.  All of us are called to fear God as well as love God and give glory to His name.  He is perfectly holy in all of His deeds and thoughts.  We are not always aware of God’s holiness; neither do we always perceive the works of God’s hands.  However, when we stand before the Lord and are in His presence, His holiness and righteous works will be clearly visible and we will worship.
GOD IS WORSHIPED FOR HIS RIGHTEOUS WRATH: The final outpouring of God’s wrath upon the earth is about to take place.  Seven angles who have seven plagues represented by seven golden bowls that are about to be poured out upon the inhabitants of the earth come forth from the temple of God.  This final display of God’s righteous wrath because of the sins of men will inspire all in heaven and on earth to fall before God and worship.  It is a wonderful blessing that we do not need to experience the wrath of God in order to worship God, because the Lamb of God has taken upon Himself the wrath of God on behalf of all of us who have trusted Christ as our redeemer from sin.  Those who do experience God’s wrath will fall before Him and worship.  We who escape the wrath of God but observe its impact on those who reject Christ will stand in awe of Him and we will worship.


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