Revelation 22:1-21

One of the questions that we have about heaven is: What will we do in heaven?  If we are honest, we must admit that we don’t have all of the answers to those questions.  One thing that we must never do is think that heaven will be boring.  God has made us with all of our senses and desires, He is preparing a place for us and we can trust Him to prepare a place and prepare us for that place in a way that will astound us.  The beauty and joy of the earth on which we currently live will all pale in comparison to that which God is preparing for us on the New Earth.  While much about this New Earth or heaven remains unknown to us; John does record for us some very important information in this last chapter of the New Testament.
HEAVEN IS A PLACE FOR WORSHIPING: We are created as worshipers and all men worship our lives are consumed by worship.  Unfortunately, we often worship things or people that are not worth of worship.  The result of this reality is that we end up feeling lost and empty from worshiping these false gods.  Heaven will be nothing like that.  We will not be distracted or deceived into the unfulfilling worship that so often plagues our hearts today.  In heaven we will worship God and God alone.  This will be the most fulfilling experience that we have ever experienced.  Since we are worshipers, we are most fulfilled when we worship in spirit and in truth.  Heaven will be all about worshiping God and will be the most fulfilling experience that we can ever imagine.
HEAVEN IS A PLACE OF WASHING: I think that what I am looking forward to most of all in heaven is being sinless.  When we get to heaven all of our sins will be completely washed away.  The reality is that the moment we trust Christ, our sins are forever forgiven and we are washed in the blood of Christ.  However, we still struggle under the weight of sin.  Sin taints our thoughts, motives and our actions; but when we reach heavens, all of that will be forever washed away.  Today many of our pleasures are tainted by sin, but that will not be the case in heaven.  All of our sin will be forever washed away by Christ and will never have any influence over us again.  What a wonderful eternal life we will experience as we live without any sin or its effects.
HEAVEN IS A PLACE ABOUT WARNING: What we must always remember about heaven is that it is a place that requires absolute perfection.  We will never be able to enter heaven apart from faith in Christ.  God has been gracious enough to reveal to us how we can prepare for heaven in His Word.  We must never ignore this revelation or try to change it in any way.  God is gracious and He is good but He does require that we know and follow what He has revealed to us.  Heaven is a glorious place but we do not simply enter heaven because we want to.  The problem is that people wrongly think that they can enter heaven based on what they have done or simply because they believe that God is love and will welcome all into heaven.  The truth is that all men are sinners and will be eternally excluded from heaven apart from faith in Christ. 
I hope that you have enjoyed this journey through the New Testament as much as I have.  Thank you for reading.


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