Genesis 10:1-32

Noah’s three sons are the origins of all nations of the world today.  This chapter gives us the locations to which they were spread and it seems that their languages were determined according to their connection with their families going back to Shem, Ham and Japheth.  I find it interesting that the genealogy starts with the youngest and moves to the oldest.
THE DESCENDANTS OF JAPHETH: God has promised that Japheth’s house would be expanded, and it certainly appears that geographically this is true.  It seems that most of northern Europe and Asia were inhabited by the descendants of Japheth.  This is a huge area of land that makes up a major percentage of the population of the earth.
THE DESCENDANTS OF HAM: Ham was cursed in the previous chapter and it seems that his descendants were spread to the south of Israel which would include Africa.  It would be hard to identify a content that has suffered more through the history of the world than Africa.  Ham was also the origin of the Canaanites who became the source of much contention for the children of Israel to enter the Promised Land.  Between famines and wars, the descendants of Ham have suffered great hardship.
THE DESCENDANTS OF SHEM: Shem was especially blessed by God, and for the most part is the focus of the rest of the Scriptures.  Abraham, Israel as well as Christ came from the line of Shem.  However, most of the Arab nations came from the line of Shem as well.  History has demonstrated that Shem’s descendants have had a hard time getting along together.  The line of Shem has been blessed by God and has been a blessing to the world.  However, it has also suffered great attacks from Satan.


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