Genesis 13:1-18

After a disastrous journey to Egypt, Abraham returns to Bethel where he had built an altar and he called on the name of the Lord.  It is hard to know what would have happened had he stayed put, but, to his credit, Abraham did return to the land to which God had called him.  His struggles continued, but God was faithful all along the way.
ABRAHAM EXPERIENCES CONFLICT WITH LOT: Abraham and Lot were both very wealthy men and the land was not able to support all of their animals in the same location.  I believe that Lot’s presence with Abraham was not God’s plan from the beginning.  God had told Abraham to leave his home and his family, not take his nephew along with him.  Whatever the case may be, we can always be sure that when we disobey God, conflict will not be far around the corner.  It is amazing how easy it is for interpersonal relationships to distract us from that which God has called us to do and be.
ABRAHAM EXTENDS COURTESY TO LOT: Abraham does a very wise thing in order to resolve the conflict.  He confronts Lot with the reality of the conflict and then suggests a viable and selfless solution.  Abraham does not try to just ignore the problem in hopes that it will go away.  More importantly, he does not seek to promote his own agenda or selfish means.  Abraham offers Lot the choice of the land and offers to go the opposite way in order to keep from the conflict.  Abraham was the obvious leader in the situation and God had promised all the land to him.  Abraham had every right to tell Lot where to go and what to do or just send him back to Ur.  However, it is not always, or even usually right to take advantage of our “rights”.  It is important to face our problems head on, but it is of equal importance not to try to solve our interpersonal problems in a way that gives us an advantage.  God calls us to trust Him and to sacrifice ourselves in favor of others.  Abraham gives us a glowing example that we would do well to follow.
GOD EXPRESSES CONFIRMATION TO ABRAHAM: Even after Lot took the best of the land, God confirms to Abraham that all of the land was his.  Lot made a very selfish and foolish decision to take the land that was the best but also to move closer and closer to cities that were famous for their godlessness.  God had promised to be with Abraham and he reaffirms His promise of a blessed and vast nation and that His numerous descendants would inhabit this land forever.  This perpetual ownership of the land that was promised to Abraham is one of the major reasons that I believe that Israel still has great hope for the future.  I believe that these promises will still be literally fulfilled to the descendants of Abraham in the future millennial reign of Christ.  We serve a faithful God who always keeps His promises to us.


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