Genesis 20:1-18

They say that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Abraham migrates once again and finds himself in a place where he fears that he will be killed because of the beauty of his wife.  He has made this same mistake in the past, but decides to follow the same course of action once again.
ABRAHAM LIES TO ABIMALECK: I cannot imagine the cowardice that overtakes Abraham in times like this.  When Lot was taken prisoner he marched out a defeated a coalition of kings to rescue his nephew.  Now Abraham fears Abimaleck so much that he forgets the promise of his descendants coming through Sarah and he lies about her being his sister and gives his wife to the king.  Apparently, even in her advanced age, Sarah was still beautiful.  Fear of men and a failing faith are a dangerous combination.  When we live in fear of the circumstances we face it is easy to forget the faithfulness of God.  This leads us to disobedience and is a disgrace to the name of our God.  We must confront difficult circumstances with faith and not be overcome by fear.
ABIMALECK LISTENS TO GOD: God graciously appears to Abimaleck in a dream and warns him that he will die if he does not return Sarah to Abraham.  Abimaleck rightly pleads his own innocence and God tells him how his household can been healed from the affliction they suffered as well as their impending death.  God’s grace demonstrated in the life of Abraham is an amazing thing.  Even though he had been unfaithful, God still protects Abraham from the disaster he had brought upon himself.  God was determined to fulfill His promise to Abraham and was faithful to protect Abraham from his own foolishness.  It is a comfort to know that God is faithful even when we fail.  How often do I make the same mistakes over and over again, yet God remains patient and faithful with me?
ABIMALECK LECTURES ABRAHAM: It must have been a great embarrassment for Abraham to have Abimaleck come and lecture him for what he had done.  It is a sad thing indeed when the followers of God must be reprimanded by unbelievers.  Sarah is returned, Abraham receives gifts, Abimaleck is healed, but none of this had to happen if only Abraham would have trusted in the protection of the Lord.  Self preservation is never an excuse for dishonesty and disobedience, for these attitudes will inevitably lead to embarrassment and disgrace.  Our God is worthy of our trust and the world should stand amazed at our trust in Him and obedience to Him.  The world should never have to stand before us and lecture us on the difference between right and wrong as Abimaleck does.


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