Genesis 1:1-31

God is the great assumption of the Bible.  Scripture does not seek to defend the existence of God, but starts out simply assuming His existence.  He has always existed and always will exist; which is difficult for us to grasp.  In fact we know that there is much about God that is difficult for us to grasp.  We are finite beings struggling under the curse of sin to know an infinite God through His supernatural revelation of Scripture.  As wonderful as the Scriptures are, they are inspired in the limited languages of men and will never be adequate for us to fully understand the grandeur of God.  We start with creation of the world.  I believe that these are literal days and that this is a supernatural creation not a process of natural evolution with days that last billions of years.  It seems impossible to me to try to reconcile the account of Scripture with the theory of evolution.
GOD ORIGINATED THE ACTIVITY OF CREATION: It is hard for us to know why God decided to create.  He did not need creation, as He is complete in and of Himself.  He desired to create and He did.  We don’t know if this was the first creation or if it will be the last we have no reason to believe He did or didn’t we just know that He created this world in which we live.  This truth has several implications.  First of all, it implies that the creation is responsible to the creator.  This means that we exist for God’s purposes and not the other way around.  It seems to me that many of our difficulties in life would be solved if we would simply realize that we are made for His glory and not that He exists for our comfort.  Second, it implies that He is responsible for creation.  What I mean by that is that He is in charge.  He is sovereign over creation and is working through it for His purposes.  We can rest in His providence and need not fret over events or circumstances that are beyond our control.  In short what I am saying is that the implications of creation are that we must trust and obey.
GOD ORGANIZED THE AUTONOMY OF CREATION: It is obvious to see that there was a progression and an order to creation.  Each part of creation is distinct and has its own specific function.  The sky and water have separate functions from the dry land.  The plants, birds, fish and animals are different from one another while at the same time they are dependent upon one another.  All the aspects of creation are intelligently designed by God and came into being in a specific order that He organized perfectly.  God is orderly and has illustrated this truth through His magnificent creation.  We are privileged to dwell in such a wonderful place and to be under such a wonderful Person.
GOD ORDAINED AUTHORITY OF CREATION: When God created man in His own image, He established man as the authority of all His creation.  That does not mean that we are not under His authority, it means that He has delegated some of His authority to us.  The fact that we are made in the image of God has such vast implications that I cannot begin to scratch the surface of them in my mind much less in this blog.  I think one of the greatest implications of this truth is that we are relational beings.  We are made to relate to God and one another.  We also have the ability to make decisions with moral implications.  It seems that as God’s designated authority of the earth we have had the tendency to go to two different extremes.  On one hand, we tend to abuse our authority and exploit the creation over which we rule instead of care for it.  On the other hand, we tend to worship the creation instead of the Creator which causes us to replace God with nature.  We must grasp the truth that God has created us to administrate the earth and use its resources for our own good in a way that glorifies Him.   


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