Genesis 17:1-27

Abraham has been waiting for a very long time to see the promises God made to him come true. It has been several decades since Abraham left Ur with the promise of property and the provision of posterity.  Abraham is still living in a tent and Sarah still has no son.  Just when it looked like all hope was lost and Abraham must have been questioning whether or not God had forgotten all about him; God shows up.  We might be tempted to question Abraham’s faith, but we must remember that Ishmael, Abraham’s illegitimate son, is now a teen-ager.  We often have a hard time waiting for 13 days for God to answer our prayers.  Abraham has been waiting for far more than 13 years.
GOD REPEATS HIS SOLEMN COVENANT:  God must have known that Abraham was struggling, so He comes to Abraham once again and repeats the covenant that He had made with Abraham.  He tells Abraham that he will be the father of many nations that his descendants will possess the Promised Land and He even changes his name.  Abraham cannot believe that Sarah will still be able to bear a child and asks God about his son Ishmael.  God affirms that Ishmael will be the father of a nation as well, but that Sarah’s son will be the child of promise.  I can just imagine Abraham shaking his head and wondering how in the world any of this could ever happen.  There are times when we feel the same way.  We think that the odds are all stacked against us and the situation we face is hopeless.  It is precisely at those times in our lives that God loves to show up and show off.  He loves to bring hope in times of despair.  He know what we face and how much we can handle and He is always faithful to reveal His will to us and remind us of His promises just when we need it the most.
GOD REVEALS HIS SIGN OF CIRCUMCISION:  God tells Abraham that He wants all of the males in his household to be circumcised on the eighth day.  This was to be a constant reminder of God’s covenant and a sign of agreement to obey God’s will.  God wants His people to be set apart and different from the world around them.  We are not to look or act like the world but are to remember that God has set us apart for Himself.  This sign was to remind Abraham and all of His future generations that they were called by God for a special purpose and that God expected them to live in a way that would reflect their special relationship with the Lord.  We must constantly remember that we belong to the Lord and that He has special promises through which He is determined to bless us.  When we are discouraged it is vital that we remember the Lord and His promises to us.
GOD REJOICES IN A SPECIAL CONCEPTION:  God once again lets Abraham and Sarah know that they will have a child.  Sarah overhears the conversation between God and laughs in her heart as she does not understand how this could happen.  Her monthly cycle has stopped she sees no way for this promise to be able to come true.  God has her right where He wants her.  She is in a position where God alone will be able to do what for man is impossible.  God never worries about having the odds stacked against Him.  He makes it very clear to Sarah that there is nothing that is too hard for Him.  Sarah too gets a name change and God tells them that their son’s name will be Isaac which means laughter.  I think God has an amazing sense of humor and takes a special delight in doing that which is astounding.  When we find ourselves in impossible situations it should be a great comfort for us to know that God rejoices in doing the unexpected and the improbable.  That is when His glory shines the brightest.
GOD RECEIVES SINCERE COOPERATION:  Abraham does exactly what God told him to do.  He circumcised every male in his home including himself.  This must have been a very difficult thing for all who were affected.  There was a lot of pain and humiliation involved in this act of obedience.  Following God is not often easy, but it is always necessary and worth it.  May God find in our hearts a willingness and disposition to obey God no matter how painful, difficult or humiliating this obedience requires.  Disobedience will always result in far more pain and humiliation.  We must always remember and trust that God knows best.


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