Deuteronomy 30:1-20

Israel has a very clear choice that God has set before them.  They can love and obey God and live in the land in peace and prosperity; or they can rebel against God and experience God’s wrath and be taken captive into the other nations of the world.  Moses tells the children of Israel that they will experience both of these realities in their history.  They will obey and be blessed; but they will also disobey and be cursed.  Moses knows the people well, and more importantly, God knows the people well.  What is important to note is that despite God’s awareness of Israel’s future disobedience; He still gives them hope for the future.  God is making a conditional promise to Israel in this passage, but this, in no way should be understood to take precedence over the unconditional covenant that God has already made with Abraham.  God will always be faithful to keep His promises no matter how unfaithful man may be.  Disobedience always has consequences, but God provides hope.

REPENTANCE RESULTS IN RESTORATION: God knows that Israel will experience both the blessings and curses of the previous chapters.  He knows that Israel will find herself taken captive by another nation and being forced to serve as slaves.  However, He promises the nation that if they will repent and turn from their sin and idolatry and ask God to forgive them and live in obedience to Him that He will restore them to the land.  He will bring them back together no matter how far away they might have been spread on the face of the earth.  We have seen this happen throughout the history of Israel.  They have been taken into captivity and made into slaves, but when they repented and cried out to the Lord; they have been brought back into the land and have once again experienced the blessings of God.  Despite the existence of Israel as a nation today, they continue to be a scattered and persecuted people.  However, the Scriptures foresee and day in Israel’s future where she will recognize Messiah, repent of her sin and idolatry and be restored to reign with Christ.  We serve a faithful God who always gives us hope no matter how difficult our lives become because of our own foolishness and sin.  God patiently waits for us to repent and return to Him so that He can forgive and restore us into fellowship with Him.  It is foolish to persist in rebellion when repentance sets us on the path of restoration.

LOVING THE LORD LEADS TO LIFE: The choice God gives to the nation is very clear.  They have been clearly warned of the consequences of sin as well as the blessing of obedience.  They have been given a clear understanding of the Law they are expected to follow.  The commandments of the Lord are not far away from them, they are not meant to harm them or be greater than their ability to obey.  They sinned knowing full well the consequences of their actions.  God urges them to choose the path of life.  God loves His children and longs to bless them.  He wants His children to respond to His love by loving Him and living in accordance with the laws that He has established.  Unfortunately, man’s fallen nature leads him into the path sin and death.  That is why Christ came to pay the price for sin and to give us a new nature through the presence of the Holy Spirit.  It is and amazing blessing to be able to live a life of love and blessing in the presence of God through the work of Christ.


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