Joshua 1:1-18

Transitions are always difficult for us no matter what kind they are.  Transitions in leadership are especially hard.  The children of Israel find themselves in a position of transition in leadership at one of the most crucial times in all of their history.  They are just about to enter the Promised Land, but now they are going through a transition in leadership.  These times are not easy for the people; nor are they easy for the leaders involved.  However, the key to these transitions is to recognize that no matter what is transitioning in our human leadership and position; God is still in control and He never changes.  There are some very key factors that contribute to a smooth transition in this passage.

GOD SPEAKS TO JOSHUA: Joshua must have felt like the job before him was an impossible one.  These people were not easy to lead, and he was following in the footsteps of an amazing leader.  God steps onto the scene, and tells Joshua some very important things.  First of all, God makes it clear to Joshua that Moses has died.  He will not be coming back nor will he be helping in this process, the mantle of leadership has passed.  God then motivates Joshua to get up and get going.  There has been an appropriate time to mourn the death of Moses and now it is time to get to work.  The job that God has set before us is far more important than the life of any one leader no matter how effective that leader has been.  The work of God must go forward.  God’s next word to Joshua is one of encouragement and promise.  Joshua is not alone.  The task is truly a great one, but it is one the God has promised to accomplish through the men of His choosing.  He promises to go before us and be with us.  The work is ultimately the Lord’s and we are simply His servants.  God’s final Word to Joshua is one of instruction for Him to be obedient to the Law of the Lord and to call the people into a place of obedience.  This is truly the most important job a leader can have; he must set an example and then call the people to follow it.

JOSHUA SPEAKS TO THE PEOPLE:  Joshua then goes through the camp and tells the people that they must prepare to go into battle.  He assumes the role of the leader and gives them clear communication.  He lets them know that He has accepted this task and that He will be calling them to follow the path that the Lord has set before them.  He reminds the people of the priorities of obeying the Lord and doing what He has called them to do.  We can lead with confidence when we know that we are doing the work of the Lord.  We must not fear the people we are called to lead but must fear the Lord alone.  One of the keys to leadership is simply recognizing the position to which God has called us and then clearly communicating to our people what it is that God is directing us to do.  Too often leaders are afraid of losing popularity so they fail to communicate clearly.

THE PEOPLE SPEAK TO JOSHUA: The people respond to Joshua’s leadership by promising to follow and obey him.  They recognize Joshua’s leadership and assure him that they will be submissive to him.  As followers we must realize that our leaders are appointed by God and that He expects us to support them and follow them as we would follow Him.  As a group they promise to hold one another accountable to the obedience and they commit to defending Joshua’s leadership against any attacks of insubordination that might arise.  We must be ready and willing to defend and help our leaders in the accomplishment of their God given tasks.  Finally the people charge Joshua to be strong and courageous and to do his job faithfully before the Lord.  We must pray for our leaders to be guided by the Lord and constantly call of them to live in fear of the Lord and to follow the Lord’s leading in their lives.  It is important for us to encourage our leaders through our prayers, our affirmation of support as well as our challenges for them to walk faithfully with God.


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