Joshua 12:1-24

It is always important to remember the victories that the Lord has granted.  Today’s chapter is simply a list of the kings who were defeated by Moses on the east side of the Jordan and the kings who were defeated by Joshua on the west side.  God had promised to be with these men and use them to fulfill His promises to the nation of Israel.  God was faithful to do just that.  We can always be confident that God will keep His promises and help us to be victorious through Christ.
THE LANDS CONQUERED BY MOSES: Moses fought many battles from the time that the children of Israel left Egypt to the time of his departure.  This chapter only mentions the two kings and all their lands that were conquered on the east side of the Jordan and were given to the two tribes who chose to remain on that side of the river.  These were large lands and really the first tests of the people in war.  God used Moses in a great way to liberate the people and to prepare them to be the nation that they had become.  He was a godly leader who truly served the people and represented God before them and represented them before God.  This truly is the function of a leader.
THE LANDS CONQUERED BY JOSHUA: God used Joshua to lead the nation in numerous battles in the conquest of the Land.  This is a list of 31 kings that God defeated through the leadership of Joshua.  He served the Lord faithfully and was used to fulfill the promises of God to the people.  Joshua did not claim the land that he conquered as his own but divided it between the people as the Lord instructed.  He was a strong and godly leader who truly was a servant to the people.  He did not worry about who got credit for what but was confident in God’s ability to work on behalf of the people he was called to lead.


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