Deuteronomy 34:1-12

It is only fitting that we end this first leg of our journey through the Old Testament with the death of the author of the Pentateuch.  These first five books lay the foundation of the Scriptures and God’s plan of redemption.  We have seen the creation of the world and the entrance of sin into the World.  Then God began to unfold His plan of redemption through the calling of Abraham and the establishment of the nation.  He then sets out to demonstrate man’s desperate need of salvation through the revelation of the Law of God.  The multiple rules and regulations are impossible to keep apart from the transformation promised in the Gospel.  The promises of God have been revealed and have already begun to be fulfilled through the formation of the nation and now the beginning of the conquest of the land.  Eventually the promise will result in the coming of Christ to pay for our sins and then returning to transform our bodies and give us life everlasting.

MOSES IS CALLED UP TO DIE: The life of Moses comes to an end on the mountain.  He dies alone in the presence of God and nobody knows where his body was buried.  Prior to his death, God allows for Moses to look over the Promised Land from the top of the mountain.  Moses is permitted to see the land to which He has lead this people, but he is not allowed to enter the land due to the sin he committed in hitting the rock.  Moses, for the most part, has been a faithful leader and has walked with God all the days of his life.  He lived for 120 years.  His life can be divided into three parts.  He spent 40 years in the palace of Egypt thinking that he was “someone.”  He spent 40 years in the pastures of Jethro learning that he was “no one.”  He spent 40 years with the people of Israel revealing that God is the “only one.”  He had to learn humility before he could be used, but he was used in an amazing way and the impact of his life continues to echo through the corridors of history to this day and will continue to do so through all of eternity.  

THE PEOPLE BREAK DOWN AND CRY: The loss of Moses as a leader was mourned by the nation of Israel.  Moses had been used of God to liberate, teach, provide for and protect the people.  He had freed them from slavery in Egypt and prayed for their forgiveness when God was prepared to strike the entire nation down.  The people lament and cry over the death of this great leader, but God has faithfully provided another man of God to lead the nation forward.  Moses has been faithful to prepare the leader of the next generation and now Joshua is ready to take up the mantle of leadership and lead the people into the land of promise.


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