Joshua 15:1-63

The details of the division for the tribe of Judah are the theme of this chapter.  It is amazing to see the clear description of the border that was to be included in this land.  These details may seem rather tedious for us to work through, but they were very important for the nation of Israel.  This was the formation of the different “states” in this new nation.  God cares about details and left a written record of how the tribes of Israel were to be divided.  He also cares about the details of our lives.
JUDAH RECEIVES ITS INHERITANCE: We have the limits of the land clearly defined in this passage.  Every border was clearly defined and this is the tribe through which the Messiah would eventually come.  David and the kings of Israel would come through this tribe and the capital of the nation was included in these borders.  Judah was blessed of God, not because of anything that Judah had done.  Judah had sinned greatly with Tamar, but God’s grace is great and He is willing to forgive.  However, this chapter ends with the sad commentary that Judah was not able to drive the Jebusites out of the land.  Certainly it was God’s desire for the Jebusites to be removed from the land but this did not happen as it is likely that the people became tired of war and simply decided to tolerate these people.  We must never become tolerant of sin in our lives and grow weary in out battle against sin.
CALEB REWARDS HIS SON-IN-LAW: Caleb was from the tribe of Judah, and we have a very interesting insertion into his family.  He had successfully removes the giants in the land, but as he faced this new challenge he offered his daughter in marriage to the man who would be victorious over this king.  This seemed to be a great motivation and Caleb’s nephew fights for his wife.  His daughter then asks for a blessing from her father and requests not only land but water to be able to support crops on the land.  Her request is granted.  It is important for us to be willing to ask for blessings from the Lord.  He longs to bless His people, and He in honored when we seek Him for blessings.


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