1 Kings 10:1-29

God knows how to bless!  At the beginning of Solomon’s reign God asked him what he wanted most of all and Solomon requested wisdom.  God was so pleased that he had requested wisdom over wealth and victory over enemies that God promised to bless Solomon with all three.  This chapter gives us a clear demonstration of how God had answered that request.  There is no need to ever doubt God’s ability to bless and provide above what we could ever imagine.

THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD CAME TO LEARN FROM SOLOMON: The queen of Sheba as well as the leaders of other nations came to visit Israel in order to confirm the reports that they had heard concerning Solomon’s wisdom as well as his wealth.  When they saw and heard Solomon they had to admit that his wisdom was greater than what they imagined that it could be.  Usually we see that when a dignitary comes to visit another leader it is to discuss political alliances and so forth.  However, Solomon’s wisdom was so great that these leaders came with a desire to learn from him.  Clearly God had answered Solomon’s request for wisdom in a way that far exceeded his expectations.  God makes His wisdom available to us through His Word and Spirit that are so readily available to us.

THE WEALTH OF THE WORLD WAS GRANTED TO SOLOMON: It is astounding to consider the amount of wealth that Solomon possessed.  Each year this income just in gold was about 50,000 pounds of gold.  At today’s prices that is well over a billion dollars per year in just this one commodity.  Silver and other precious metals and stones were just considered to be common place.  The beauty and extravagance of the furnishings in the palace must have been astounding.  In a day when the governments of the world are constantly spending more than they bring in, it is amazing to see what God can do with a nation that He decides to bless.  God’s resources in the world have not changed and we can trust Him to provide for our needs according to His will.

THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD LIVED IN ADMIRATION OF SOLOMON: Usually when one nation comes into another nation they come to stir up conflict and conquer in war.  Solomon’s greatness was so overwhelming that the nations would just stand in awe of all that they saw.  There was no threat or hint of war; instead they would come with extravagant gifts and come to admire what the Lord was doing in the nation of Israel.  God’s desire from the very start was that Israel would be used to reach the nations of the world and Solomon certainly took a huge step forward in preparing Israel to fulfill that mission.  God’s blessing of peace was very evident in Solomon’s world.  We take rest and refuge in a turbulent world because we know that God is able to bring peace in any circumstance.


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