1 Kings 19:1-21

One of the most dangerous times for us in our walk with God is just after a great victory.  It seems that victories leave us in a very vulnerable place that can lead us to any number of feelings and emotions that are not correct, biblical and they can be dangerous.  Elijah finds himself in just this sort of place.  He has publicly confronted King Ahab, he has killed the 400 prophets of Baal and he has seen God respond to his prayer for rain.  God has used him in amazing ways in the last several days but now Elijah is about to face some very dark and dangerous days in his own heart.  We must be especially careful after busy and productive times so we do not fall victim to the attacks that usually follow such times in our lives.

ELIJAH IS OVERCOME BY FEELINGS OF FEAR: Elijah has been amazingly brave thorough all of these confrontations and has demonstrated absolutely no fear of death.  However, once the confrontation is over and the victory is won; he is threatened by Jezebel and he runs away in fear.  She promises to kill him in the next day and so he runs away and even leaves his helper behind and goes into the wilderness where he is isolated and alone.  This is a very dangerous place.  Times of victory should be celebrated and celebration requires the company of others.  Elijah’s fear keeps him from rejoicing in the victory that God has provided.  We must be careful after great victories not to leave ourselves vulnerable to feelings of fear by isolating ourselves from others.  Elijah has convinced himself that he is all alone, but that is not true.  The reality is that he is isolated himself from others and left himself vulnerable to being overcome by fear.

ELIJAH IS OVERWHELMED BY FEELINGS OF FUTILITY: Besides being alone, Elijah is also exhausted.  He has likely gone for days without sleep and has probably not eaten either.  This physical condition coupled with his spiritual battle leaves him vulnerable to depression.  Elijah feels that he has done all that he can and yet the evil king and queen remain in power and he feels that all of his work has been in vain.  He has lost hope for the nation and has resigned himself to the fact that all his work and sacrifice has been worthless.  He ran away from Jezebel because he feared for his life; but now his depression brings him to the point that he is ready to give up on life.  God graciously ministers to Elijah by simply putting him to sleep and feeding him.  There are times that we simply must give our body the rest that it needs.  Elijah’s exhaustion has left him vulnerable be being overwhelmed by feelings of futility.

ELIJAH IS OVERJOYED BY FEELINGS OF FUNCTIONALITY: Elijah has now spent forty days alone, afraid and apathetic.  God graciously reveals Himself to Elijah at this time.  He appears to Elijah and assures him that he is not alone but that there are still 7,000 who have not bowed down to Baal.  God promises to protect Elijah through His presence and then He gives Elijah a purpose by sending him off to complete his next assignment.  God lets Elijah know that he is still very useful for God’s work on earth.  God reveals to Elijah that he will be anointing the next king in Israel and that he will be taking on an apprentice in the person of Elisha.  God still has a plan for Elijah’s future and this sparks hope into his life.  Just when he needed it the most; God steps in and Elijah is overjoyed by the feelings of functionality. 


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