1 Kings 15:1-34

Leaders can be a source of great blessing or great curse for the people they serve.  Both Judah and Israel suffered greatly because of the rebelliousness of their leaders and the consequences of their sins.  When a people forgets the blessings of God and turns their backs on the principles and promises of God; they are doomed to disaster.  With a few exceptions here and there the kings of Israel and Judah lead their people and the entire nation down a steady path of destruction.

ABIJAM REIGNED IN REBELLION AGAINST GOD: Abijam was the son of Rehoboam and only reigned for three years after his father had only reigned for half the time that Solomon and David had reigned.  It was a blessing that his reign was cut short as he did evil before the Lord and lived in rebellion against the Lord.  Constant war, fear and threat of destruction were the results of this rebellion.  God only spared the kingdom in the family because of His promise to David.  God is gracious and faithful even when we are not.  This is a blessed truth from the Lord.

ASA REIGNED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS TOWARDS GOD: Every now and then the Lord blessed His people with a leader who followed the Word of God.  Asa was one of these exceptions.  He was truly a man who demonstrated the character of David and had the courage to turn from idolatry, remove the idols that the queen mother had erected and destroy the other idols in the Land.  This is the attitude that we must always take towards sin in our lives.  Asa was able to experience victory in his battles with Israel and worship in the temple of the Lord because he was obedient and served the Lord in righteousness.  This should be an encouragement to all of us to live in faithfulness before the Lord.

NADAB REIGN WAS REJECTED BY GOD:  Nadab was a worthless king in Israel and the last descendant of Jeroboam to reign or live.  He continued in the evil idolatry of his father and God rejected him completely.  Baasha, the next king, killed him and every member of the family of Jeroboam just as the Lord had promised through His prophet.  God will not me mocked and He will keep His promises to judge the sins of men.  This truth should chill the hearts of every man who lives in rebellion against the Lord for they will be rejected for all of eternity by the Lord.


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