1 Kings 17:1-24

Just when it appears that God has turned His back on the children of Israel; God sends a prophet named Elijah to confront the king and prove that God is still as work in this nation.  God is all about seeking and saving those who are lost and it is very apparent that the nation is very lost.  When we look at the discipline that God places upon the nation we may think that His attention to the nation is a negative thing.  However, God’s discipline demonstrates that He is still at work and is a proof of His love for His people.  God’s attention in correcting us is far better than being allowed to free fall deeper and deeper into sin.  We should praise the Lord for His provision in and attention to our lives even in the face of discipline.

ELIJAH REBUKES AHAB ON BEHALF OF GOD: It is a very hard thing to stand before a king and rebuke him.  Elijah has a message from God and he delivers it without fear.  The message is a simple one: there will be no rain in Israel until Elijah gets word from God.  The reason for this message was the obvious idolatry and constant ignorance of God’s Law.  God will not allow His people to constantly walk in sin and disobedience without calling them to repent and come back to Him.  The problem is that we often do not pay attention to God’s calls to repentance.  When that happens, God will often graciously call us to repentance by bringing about very severe and difficult pain in our lives.  We do not like pain but it is a very effective tool that God uses to get the attention of His children.

ELIJAH RECEIVES HELP FROM THE HAND OF GOD: Elijah was obviously not a very popular man after his message to the king.  However, God is faithful to care for His own.  God sends Elijah to the wilderness to live by a stream where he has water and then God sends birds that bring him food day after day.  However, as time goes by and the drought becomes more severe, the stream dries up and Elijah is left without water.  God sends him to the house of a widow and her son and continues to provide for both Elijah and his host family through a never ending supply of meal and oil. It is a comfort to know that God has every means available to take care of His servants.  Birds and poor widows are not the traditional means through which we would expect God to provide.  However, God thrives in doing the unexpected.  We can serve Him with full assurance of His care and ability to provide for every one of our needs.

ELIJAH RESURRECTS A BOY BY THE POWER OF GOD: One day the widow who has been hosting Elijah loses her son to death.  She is, understandably, very upset.  In a way she blames Elijah for having been gone, but in reality she is simply disappointed in that she feels that she has no reason to live without her son.  She has lost hope and has begun to despair.  Elijah is also very distressed about this situation and must have questioned why the Lord would allow such pain to come upon this widow who had been such a kind host to him.  However, God has a bigger plan than simply providing food and lodging to Elijah.  God cares for this woman’s soul.  Elijah trusts in God’s ability to raise the boy from the dead and so he goes and prays to the Lord and God brings the boy back to life.  Through this experience the widow is finally convinced to worship the God of Elijah.  When God allows great pain to come into our lives or the world, we must not despair but trust Him and know that He is able to overcome difficult circumstances and use them to draw others to Himself.


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