1 Kings 14:1-31

Pride and idolatry are the easy choice for men to make because it is the natural bent of men in this sin cursed world.  However, it is of vital importance that all men recognize that making this easy choice and following the desires of their sinful natures has grave consequences.  Both Jeroboam and Rehoboam were given positions of great importance and influence in their nations.  Unfortunately, both of them decided to ignore the Word of God and simply followed the leanings of their own hearts.  They both paid a heavy price for their choices and their lives were cut short because of their sin.  We must never forget the consequences of sin in our lives.  We must constantly remind ourselves of the sinful nature that lurks in the depth of our hearts and fight following those sinful desires with every fiber of our being.

JEROBOAM SUFFERED THE ANNIHILATION OF HIS FAMILY: Jeroboam’s idolatry angered God greatly so He inflicted his son with a sickness.  This got Jeroboam’s attention but instead of repenting and pleading for God’s forgiveness he sends his wife in disguise to inquire of the prophet of God who had originally told him he would be king.  Jeroboam seems to be under the common delusion that many men face; the belief that he can hide from God.  The prophet tells the wife in no uncertain terms that not only will this boy die; but that this boy was the luckiest of the family.  God promised the complete annihilation of the entire family and that all of them would be killed in shame and their bodies left unburied.  Satan never reveals the consequences of sin, but Scripture does and we would all do well to learn from this example.  We must never take the blessing of God for granted in our lives.

REHOBOAM SUFFERED THE HUMILIATION OF HIS NATION: The king of Judah, Rehoboam did not do any better than Jeroboam and also followed the path of his heart and lead his nation down the path of idolatry.  His sin was punished by invasions from the other nations and all of the riches with which Solomon had furnished the temple were carried off by these invading nations.  Rehoboam was powerless to defend himself or his people because he had turned his back on the Lord.  He sought to minimize this humiliation by replacing the shields of gold that Solomon had left with shields of bronze.  Once again we see that he is trying to ignore and hide the consequences of his sin instead of falling on his face before the Lord in true repentance.  The idolatry in Israel resulted in illness, invasion by other nations and infighting between tribes that were once united.  This is the path of sin but it is a painful path that is not worth walking.  We must constantly remind our hearts of the consequences of sin in our lives.


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