1 Chronicles 1:1-54

The importance of history in the Bible is amazing as we consider the records of the people on the Earth.  God knows every name of every person who has ever lived on this planet.  He also knows how every single one of us fit into His plan for redeeming the people who have fallen into sin.  As we look at the genealogies leading up to and following the flood we see how the nations were formed and how God is aware of every man’s actions as well as the children that these men produced.  He has, throughout history, raised up leaders who have been used as a part of His sovereign plan of redemption.  As we look at these genealogies, two clear thoughts come to mind.

GOD’S CONTROL: There are never any surprises to the Lord.  He is aware of every person and He has never lost control over the event of the Earth.  There are many people that are listed in this chapter who were very evil in the actions and they became the founders of nations that rebelled against God, but even in the face of rebellion, God is always in control and uses the sins of men to illustrate His character and to fulfill His ultimate plan.  There are many times when we will not understand why we must face certain problems in our lives or why sinful men are allowed to prosper from our perspective.  In these circumstances we must simply learn to trust God and to rest in His control.

GOD’S CARE: As the population of the world grows into the billions of people alive on the planet at the same time we can begin to feel like we are very insignificant cogs on a very big wheel.  There are billions of people that we will never meet or get to know not to mention all of the people who have gone before us or will come after us.  The genealogies remind us that God knows every person on the planet and that He cares about our lives.  We must learn the importance of being faithful to Him because He really does care about what we do with the life He has granted us.  There may be times where we fell alone or unnoticed in our lives but we must always remember that the Lord knows, cares and will judge every single one of us individually. 


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