2 Kings 24:1-20

Judah was already living as functional slaves of the nation of Egypt as they were forced to pay heavy taxes, but things were about to go from bad to worse.  People often live under the impression that sin is a sign of liberty or freedom. The truth is that sin left unchecked from which we do not repent always leads to captivity and slavery.  Freedom to sin leads us to captivity in sin.

BABYLON TAKES CONTROL OVER JUDAH: Nebuchadnezzar has been moving across the world dominating nation after nation and eventually took over all that Egypt had been controlling which included Israel and Judah.  So the taxes that had been going to Egypt are now being paid to Babylon and the people are no longer free to work and prosper as they please since all to their profits are being sent off to Babylon.  This is certainly no way to live and was not how God intended for His people to live.  This condition was the result of sin and rebellion in the lives of the children of Israel for generation after generation.  Moses had promised that this would happen if they would not obey the Law of the Lord and that promise was now being fulfilled.  Sin always has consequences and even though God is patient and longsuffering we must not be deceived into thinking that we will be able to escape from the consequences of sin in our own lives.

BABYLON TAKES CAPTIVES FROM JUDAH: The people living in Judah became tired of living as slaves in their own land and decided to rebel against Babylon and refused to pay the taxes that were required.  Nebuchadnezzar did not take kindly to this attitude and sent out his army to enforce his will on the people.  In the end the majority of the people in Judah including the king were taken captive and hauled back to Babylon where they were forced to serve as slaves there.  Once we begin to feel the consequences of sin we want out, but it is never as easy to get away out of sin as it is to get in to sin.  Only the poorest of people were left in Israel while all of the leaders and the men of the military were taken as slaves to a foreign land where they would serve for many generations.  This is exactly what God promised would happen and God is always faithful to His Word.  He has promised that one day every man woman and child that has ever lived will stand before Him in judgment.  That promise will come true and the only way we will be able to stand before Him forgiven is in the righteousness of Christ that is available to us through faith in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  


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