1 Chronicles 9:1-44

This is the last chapter dedicated to the genealogies in this book.  Interestingly the chapter begins with a list of the people who returned from the captivity to begin the rebuilding process of the nation and then it ends with a repetition of the genealogy of Saul.  So before the author of Chronicles starts to repeat the history of the kings of Israel he takes us forward to the return from captivity.  We know that Israel will be unfaithful and that the story of the kings will lead the people into captivity but we also know that there is hope in that the nation will not be lost through the captivity.  The Lord is faithful to His promise and He will bring His people back.

GOD IS A RESTORER: If there is one thing that we can certainly say about our Lord; it is that He is a restorer.  He does not take sin lightly and He is more than willing to discipline, but He will also be faithful to restore His people to Himself.  This is what the message of the Gospel is all about.  In Christ we can all be restored to perfect fellowship with God.  Even though Israel had been unfaithful and idolatrous throughout their history; God would restore them to the land.  After the coming of Christ, Israel was once again taken from the land, but we can see in the recent history of the world that the Lord is still in the process of restoring Israel.  Every one of us has lived in rebellion against God and we have rejected Him over and over again.  Praise be to God that He is a restorer!  He sent Christ to cover our sin with His blood and restore us to fellowship with Him through faith in Christ.

GOD IS A REPEATER: This is now the third time in the last few chapters that this book covers the tribe of Benjamin and the genealogy of Saul.  Honestly, we can ask why this same information would be repeated so many times, but God obviously had His purpose.  The entire books of Chronicles are repetitions of the information that we have already seen in the books of Samuel and Kings.  God wants this same information repeated so that we are sure not to forget the lessons of these books.  As parents we regularly repeat the same information over and over again to our children so that they will not forget.  We continually see this throughout the Scriptures as well.  God repeats His will in His Word so that we will not forget the important truths He teaches us over and over again.  We would do well to hear and obey these repeated truths.


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