1 Chronicles 7:1-40

We continue to look at the descendants of the various tribes of Israel.  We can see that the children of Israel were very concerned about keeping the records of their history and the identity of their tribes.  We have very specific details of who was born into what tribe.  These genealogies were recorded in Scripture and will be preserved for all of eternity.  God is obviously interested in recording the genealogies of His people.  He obviously knows the family history of every man woman and child ever born of the face of the earth.  I imagine that once we arrive in heaven we will be able to trace our family history all the way back to Adam through Noah.  If that that is true, we will have a great time getting to know our ancestors from so many generations back.

THE DESCENDANTS OF ISSACHAR: This tribe is not one of the more prominent or well-known tribes of Israel.  What is brought into focus in this chapter is the fact that they had many wives who gave birth to many valiant warriors.  It is a good thing to be known as a clan who produces men who were mighty in battle.  It would be a wonderful thing for our families to be recognized as a source of many men who fought bravely for the advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

THE DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN: When I think of the tribe of Benjamin I cannot help but think of “what might have been.”  This was the tribe from which Saul, the first king of Israel was chosen.  This could have been the tribe from which the kings of Israel were chosen for many generations.  Saul’s unfaithfulness and pride makes this tribe become one of many instead of the leader that it could have been.  I wonder how many opportunities I have squandered along the way that have prevented me from living to my full potential.

THE DESCENDANTS OF NAPHTALI: A total of one verse is dedicated to this tribe in this genealogy.  That in itself is a rather significant detail.  Obscurity is not what we should seek in our personal walk with the Lord or for our family.  This commentary is already twice as long as the entire text about this tribe.

THE DESCENDANTS OF MANASSEH: We have already seen the other half of this tribe that did not cross the Jordan River.  Unfortunately, this tribe does not have a good reputation.  They are from the line of Joseph so they had a godly start, but along the line they were sidetracked from the path of the Lord and became a source of idolatry and heartache for the entire nation.  We must be careful to pass the truth of God’s Word from generation to generation or our extended family will eventually turn from the truth.

THE DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM: Tragedy struck this family as they tried to take the land of the people who lived there and take their cattle.  Apparently the Lord had not instructed them to do so and they paid a heavy price.  However, after the period of mourning for the loss they began to rebuild and restore and the tribe began to prosper.  Perhaps the most famous person from this tribe is Joshua who was the disciple of Moses and ended up leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land.  It is great to know that restoration is possible with the Lord.

THE DESCENDANTS OF ASHER: The chapter ends with another list of men who were warriors and fought for the land that they had been given.  They had great skill but were not nearly as numerous as some of the other tribes.  Quantity is not the only measure of greatness.  We must all strive to make the most of all that we have.  Quality is just as important or more important than quantity.


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