1 Chronicles 12:1-40

Transition in leadership is generally a very hard thing for a nation to face especially in the midst of war when the king is taken in battle.  However, in this case the transition seems to happen with very little difficulty.  The truth is that Saul’s leadership was so distracted by his quest to kill David that he became ineffective as a leader.  David was beloved by all of Israel and yet their king was trying to kill him.  This distraction and seeming insanity along with Samuel having anointed David as king caused many mighty men to defect from Saul and join forces with David.  By the time that Saul was killed David already had a huge army that was following him so when Saul died there was already a big jump on the transition.  God was obviously orchestrating these events and bringing about His will in this course of action.

MANY MEN FORTIFIED DAVID’S LEADERSHIP: When David had to flee from the presence of Saul; he was by himself and alone; a fugitive in the wilderness.  However, in a very short period of time, many mighty men of war began to join with David and fortified his leadership in Israel.  They were there to help defend him from attacks as well as to help provide for the needs of the entire community.  These were Israel’s best warriors.  These men came to David from every tribe and they were not just rejects that had nothing else to do with their lives.  They could each take on hundreds of men and be victorious.  Many we described as ambidextrous, they were fierce warriors that could run fast and fight hard.  David had the respect of these men and they were key to David’s survival and eventual assent into leadership.  When God calls us to do something, He will always provide the human and material resources that are necessary.  He will not leave us alone but will provide all the help we need to accomplish His will.

THE NATION UNIFIED UNDER DAVID’S LEADERSHIP: When Saul died the nation was divided.  The best warriors had already defected to David and Saul’s insanity did not inspire confidence in the people.  When Saul died along with all of his sons, the people naturally looked to David as their king.  Now the people came in droves to crown David king and to celebrate this transition in leadership.  Unity within in group of people is a key ingredient for both success and survival.  No group that is divided will be successful in their endeavors and, in reality; their very survival is at stake.  The nation was delighted with their new king and Israel became united once again.  Israel would not unite under Saul’s leadership because he was insecure, distracted and disobedient.  These are traits that leaders must learn to avoid in order to lead a united team.


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