Esther 2:1-23

This may have been the world’s first beauty pageant.  Since the king had banished the queen, the search for a new queen began and so the king’s servants went to gather the fairest in the land to see who would become the new queen.  Esther obviously is chosen as the new queen of the land because of her outward as well as her inward beauty.  We learn several important things about this beautiful young lady and how God forged her character.  As we look at Esther I think all young women can learn some “beauty secrets” from her and that all young men can learn some important qualities for which to look as they seek for a wife.

ESTHER’S CHARACTER WAS FORMED THROUGH SUFFERING: Esther had been born in captivity which in and of itself lends itself to suffering.  However, beyond the difficulties of captivity, Esther is also an orphan as she lost both of her parents to death.  We do not know the circumstances of their death but we know that she was being raised by and uncle who took her into his home after her parents death.  Suffering has a way of being used by God in the lives of His people to forge character and mold them into His image.  Unfortunately, some people respond to suffering by becoming bitter and angry.  Esther recognized God’s sovereign plan and seems to have developed a sweet and grateful spirit towards her uncle and the Lord.  Complaining about difficult circumstances and doubting God are not only unattractive but are also sinful habits that suffering can cause.  Esther was beautiful inside and out because she did not fall into the trap of doubt and despair in the face of suffering.

ESTHER’S CHARACTER WAS MARKED BY SUBMISSION: When Esther was chosen to be a part of the contest for the position of queen it is more than likely that it was based almost exclusively on her physical beauty.  However, the fact that she won the contest had far more to do with the beauty of her heart.  Esther was a sweet and submissive young lady who was humble and teachable in whatever circumstance she might face.  She listened to her uncle’s advice on how to pay attention to the leaders in the palace; her sweet spirit won the affection of the people in charge of this contest so that they helped her in every way possible.  She did not question or doubt the advice of these people who had been placed over her and she just seems to ooze grace and simplicity in her calm and quiet spirit.  These qualities of virtue, submission and humility are the true marks of beauty for which all of us should strive.

ESTHER’S CHARACTER WAS DEMONSTRATED IN SERVICE: Besides being a beautiful and submissive young lady, Esther was also a woman of action and honesty.  When her uncle uncovered a plot to kill the king he called Esther so that she could warn the king of the danger he faced.  She had the courage to step forward, her character had won the respect of the king and she knew just what needed to be done in order to serve and protect her husband.  She was far more than a “thing of beauty;” she was a woman of action and great wisdom.  Not only did she step forward at the right time in the right way, but she also was very careful to give credit for this action to her uncle instead of trying to claim it for herself.  She was a true servant who knew what to do but was not concerned with being credited for her actions.


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