Esther 7:1-10

The revelation of sin is a scary thing.  Haman has been blinded by his pride and hatred to the point that he is not able to see the potential consequences of his sin so he presses on and on in his sinful actions with little or no perception of the danger he is facing.  Once his sin is exposed; suddenly everything become clear and he can see how foolish he has been but it is too late.  The truth is that all of us have a hard time seeing the consequences of our sin or even being able to perceive that we are living in a sinful manner.  The body of Christ should exercise a key function in our lives by alerting us to the reality of our sin and warning us of the consequences of our actions.  One day when we stand before Christ, our sins will be evident as well as their consequences.  We must be faithful in helping one another see our sins.

HAMAN’S PLOT IS EXPOSED: Finally Esther is ready to reveal her request to the king.  He has offered her half of the kingdom but she simply asks for her life and the lives of her people.  The king has been told of this plot by Haman but did not recognize the connection to Esther.  Once this connection is exposed Haman begins to see the folly of his way and pleads for mercy but it is too late.  The king’s anger has turned towards Haman and there is nothing that he can do about it.  Haman has been plotting freely about a way to kill Mordecai and all his people.  That plot has now been exposed and all the implications of it revealed.  Haman was blind to the fact that the queen was one of his targets or he certainly would have adopted a different strategy.  We must all live in light of that day when our lives will be exposed to us before the Lord.  Our sin has implications that we would never imagine.  We must be motivated to turn from sin so that there will be less to expose.

HAMAN’S PLIGHT IS EXECUTION: The king leaves Haman and Esther to go try to clear his head at this new revelation that Esther has made.  He is not sure what he can do to undo what Haman has done.  When he returns, he finds Haman begging Esther for his life in such a way that it looks like he is molesting her.  An official points out that Haman had built a huge gallows for hanging Mordecai but Haman ends up hanging from his own rope.  Sin always leads to death sooner or later.  Thankfully Christ has died in our place.  He was executed so that those who believe on Him will not be executed.  Haman’s pride and inability to be thankful for his many blessings coupled with his hatred for Mordecai and his beliefs led to his destruction.  We must be motivated to walk humbly before God and man and replace our hatred with love.


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