Esther 6:1-14

Sleepless nights are sometimes from the Lord.  The king certainly had his sleep taken away by the Lord as a part of preparing his heart for what Esther would reveal to him that night.  We can clearly see God at work in the heart of this king in order to make Esther’s communication fall on open ears.  None of the events of the past few days have been incidental or coincidence.  Clearly, God is answering the prayers of His people and He is accomplishing His will.  God’s sovereignty has been very evident throughout the entire book of Esther.  The truth of God’s sovereignty should be of immense comfort to every one of us.  No matter how difficult our circumstance may seem, we can rest easily in the God who controls the sleep of kings.

THE KING IS REMINDED OF MORDECAI’S BRAVERY: As they king lay awake that night he asked for the chronicles of his kingdom to be read.  The reader just happens to read about the time that Mordecai had risked his own life to save the king’s life buy revealing a plot against the king.  When the king realizes that nothing was done to thank Mordecai for saving his life, he is determined to reward him.  We all like recognition, but God calls us to continue in faithfulness even in times where we don’t receive any thanks or recognition.  Nothing escapes the knowledge of the Lord and He will be sure to reward us in due time. 

HAMAN IS REQUIRED TO HONOR MORDECAI PUBLICLY: Haman in coming to the king in order to ask to kill the very man who the king desires to honor.  When the king asks Haman for advice on how to honor a man, Haman assumes that the king wants to honor him.  Haman loves the praise and recognition of men so he requests to have a public parade so that those in attendance will see him in royal robes and be required to praise him.  Imagine his surprise when the king asks him to organize this parade for Mordecai.  Haman’s heart must have sunk as he realized that his plan was about to fall apart.  As soon as the parade was over he went home to pout and his wife warns him that his murderous plans will not be successful as the Lord was obviously protecting the Jewish people.  Before Haman can decide what to do he is called to Esther’s banquette.  I suspect that Haman had lost his appetite.  


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