Nehemiah 1:1-11

God calls us care about one another and be concerned with others more than we are concerned about ourselves.  It is easy for us to get caught up in our own lives and simply focus on our own circumstances and responsibilities.  God has called us to love Him and to demonstrate our live for Him by loving others.  Our sinful nature is egotistical and only wants to focus on and be concerned about ourselves.  Nehemiah set a good example of caring for others and we would do well to follow in His steps.

NEHEMIAH INQUIRES ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN JUDAH: The first indication that we have about Nehemiah’s heart for the people in Judah is that he demonstrates his preoccupation for them by simply asking for information about them.  We live in an information age where we have information available to us about the entire world.  Our problem is that we are so self-absorbed with our own problems that we have very little time or energy to dedicate to finding out about the needs of others.  Too often, we simply do not care about those who live far away from us.  God loves the nations of the world and has called us to love the as well.  We must learn to lay our own personal interests aside and be intentional about gathering information about the spiritual well-being of the nations of the world.

NEHEMIAH INTERCEDES FOR THE PEOPLE IN JUDAH: As soon as Nehemiah was informed about the people in Judah he wept before the Lord and immediately began to lift them up before the Lord in prayer.  He confessed his sin before the Lord and the sins of the people.  He also praised the Lord for His faithfulness and he prayed for the promises of God to be accomplished in the lives of the people.  His prayers demonstrated and knowledge of and commitment to the Word of God.  As we become informed about the nations of the world, there is one thing that all of us can do and that is pray for them.  There is no way that we can all go to all nations, but we can pray that God will raise up laborers to go into all nations.  He has commanded us to pray in this way.  Too often we neglect prayer in our lives and when we do pray our prayers are focused on our own circumstances and difficulties.  God calls us to care enough about the other nations of the world to set aside time to pray that they might come to Christ.


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