Esther 4:1-17

The message of death that was sent out by Haman in the king’s name was met with great mourning and lament on the part of Mordecai and the many other Jews spread throughout the kingdom.  If there were ever a time to weep, this was it.  Once again, the nation of Israel faced the threat of extermination as Satan used his instrument, Haman, in order to bring about the destruction of the people.  Mordecai reacted as we would expect him to only he went to the gate of the king so that those inside the palace, especially Esther, would hear of his condition.  Mourning is the correct response in this situation as Mordecai sought to call out to the Lord to have mercy on His people.  In times of despair we must always call out to the Lord.  He truly is the only source of hope that we have.

MORDECAI ASKS ESTHER TO PLEAD TO THE KING: Once Mordecai was able to get Esther’s attention, he simply asked her to go into the king and plead to him on behalf of herself and her people.  This sounds like a simple request, however, according to the law; Esther did not have the right to go into the presence of the king without being summoned.  Esther is clearly afraid for her own life, but Mordecai reminds her that her life is in danger either way.  Mordecai helps her to see that she has already been sentenced to death by Haman’s decree.  Mordecai is now becoming aware of the reason that God allowed Esther to become queen.  He is gaining a vision of the Lord’s sovereign plan in the life of his family and his nation.  In times of despair we must learn to call out to the Lord but we must also learn to remember His control over the circumstances of our lives.

ESTHER ASKS MORDECAI TO PRAY TO THE LORD: Esther is clearly afraid of going into the king due to the law of the land, but she recognizes that it is her duty to her family and nation.  The Lord gives us tasks to accomplish that will often place us in danger of suffering or even death.  Esther agrees to do what must be done, but she does not rush into the job.  She demonstrates great wisdom and trust in the Lord by asking that Mordecai and the rest of the Jews in the city gather to pray on her behalf.  When we face a difficult circumstance or task we must not shy away from the responsibility but we also must not assume the responsibility can be accomplished on our own.  We must cry out to the Lord in prayer and ask others to join us in prayer as we recognize that our ability to accomplish His will and His work really does come from Him.


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