Psalm 100:1-5

Attitude is everything.  That little phrase that we often say to our children points to the truth of this Psalm.  Of course attitude is not “everything” because our actions and motives are also very important.  However, praiseworthy actions become worthless when accompanied by a lousy attitude.  Our attitudes are vital parts of our relationships as well.  If I am in a foul mood every time that I am with someone, that relationship will not last very long and it certainly will not be a deep relationship.  The idea behind relationships is that our love for one another is so strong that simply being together turns a bad day into a good one as we are a source of Joy to one another.  This is why grumbling and complaining are such heinous sins before the Lord.  Our relationship with Him should always be enough to fill us with joy no matter how difficult our circumstances might be.

WHAT WE SHOULD DO: The attitude that God wants to see in our lives is one of joy.  The fact that we know Him should fill our hearts with joy and rejoicing.  The way that we demonstrate joy is make making joyful noises.  Although these joyful noises certainly should include singing, we should not limit them to singing.  Laughing, saying words of gladness, whooping for joy and many other noises that we associate with joy should constantly flow from our mouths.  Our service for the Lord should not be done with a sense of obligation or drudgery; rather it should flow from a heart that is glad.  All that we do and say should be marked by joy, gratitude and with a heart of praise.  It is clear that moaning, complaining, arguing and fighting are not joyful noises and should not be a part of our relationship with the Lord.

WHY WE SHOULD DO IT: The reason that our hearts and lives should be marked by and attitude of joy and thanksgiving is because we know God.  We know that He is our creator we know that He is our Shepherd.  We know that we are constantly under His care and that we belong to Him.  For that reason it is clear that we need to be content and grateful for His wonderful provision in our lives.  No matter what happens in our lives we must know and always remember that God is good and that His love for us is everlasting.  He has always been faithful and always will be faithful.  Those truths should constantly fill our hearts and lives with great joy and gladness.


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