Psalm 84:1-12

Blessings from God are what all of us want in our lives.  We all understand that His blessings are the best blessings and we long to experience them in our lives.  However, the blessings of God are not always as evident as we might like for them to be and they often come packaged in ways that we do not expect or recognize.  In fact there are times that the blessings of God do not look like blessings as all.  That is where the ability to trust God becomes vital in our lives.  We must recognize that just being in God’s presence is blessing far beyond what we deserve and should be the great desire of our hearts.  God’s greatest blessings are not in what He gives us but in who He is and the blessing of being with Him.

THE BLESSING OF GOD’S PRESENCE: The dwelling place of God is lovely!  As a write this post I am on vacation with my family in a house on a beach that a member of the church where I am speaking next weekend lent to us.  It is a beautiful and comfortable home right on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.  We can step off the deck of the swimming pool right onto the sand of the seashore.  The beach is lined with coconut trees and the water in an aqua blue that just does not look real.  To be honest, it is breathtaking.  It truly is a lovely “dwelling place.”  However, I am certain that it pales in comparison with the dwelling place of the Lord.  What makes places special is not simply their beauty and comfort but especially the company of the people with whom we share them.  The dwelling place of God will be special not just because of its breathtaking beauty and the comforts it will afford but because of God’s presence with us.  The glory of our life in Christ is that we do not need to wait for heaven in order to experience the blessing of His presence.  He is with us now!  We can rejoice in His presence as we worship and praise Him.  We can enjoy being in His home, bowing at His altar and singing about His glory.  No matter where we are, if we are in Christ, we can rejoice in God’s presence.

THE BLESSING OF GOD’S PROVISION: Because we live in the presence of God, we are also able to enjoy the many provisions of God.  He gives us strength to face the trials along the highway of life.  He gives us food to eat and fresh water to drink as we walk through the valleys and mountains along the way.  We must be aware of and grateful for God protection and His providence in our lives.  We must count one moment in His presence as more precious than thousands in any other place.  He truly provides all that we need in Him.  His light shines forth and warms our hearts like the sun.  He gives us all that is good from the generosity of His abundant provision.  Truly we will be truly blessed in the presence of the Lord to the degree that we trust Him.  Sometimes His provisions come packaged in ways that that we do not recognize them as blessings, but that is where trust comes it.  We must learn to trust God and praise Him for the amazing blessings He provides, especially the blessing of His presence.


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