Psalm 99:1-9

The overriding attribute of God is His holiness.  Many of us prefer to think of God’s primary attribute as being love because we are more comfortable thinking about being loved than being held to a standard of holiness.  God’s righteousness is so much greater than our own that it makes us uncomfortable.  The holiness of God should cause us to humble ourselves before Him, fear Him and bow in worship before Him.  It is of vital importance that we remember who He is and who we are and that we act in accordance with that knowledge.

GOD IS EXALTED IN HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS: God is king of this world and all that exists.  The psalmist says that our response to His reign should be to tremble before Him.  His greatness, holiness and righteousness should inspire us to praise His holy name.  God is not to be taken lightly and is certainly not to be ignored.  Our knowledge of the greatness of His righteousness should cause us to declare it to Him in thanksgiving and to others in love.  God is just in His dealings with mankind.  He knows everything about everyone and will give reward or make retribution accordingly.  This truth should lead us to exalt and worship at the feet of our most holy Lord.

GOD GIVES EXAMPLES OF HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS: There are endless examples of God’s righteous dealings with men throughout history as well as in our own experience.  None of us can ever say that God has been unjust in His dealing with us.  Moses Aaron and Samuel are cited as examples of God’s gracious and just dealings with men.  These were great men with important positions to who God reveled Himself in glorious ways.  These men sought the Lord and God answered their call be showing them His glory in unique and amazing ways.  These men were obedient and humble before the Lord and He forgave their sins.  However, He was also righteous in His judgments of them and disciplined them for their times of disobedience.  This is how we can expect God to deal with each of us and this is why we should bow down in worship before the Lord and exalt His righteous and holy name.


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