Psalm 91:1-16

There are times in our lives when we need a place to hide or protection from danger.  God is that protection and He is our refuge in times of trouble.  He has that ability to take perfect care of us in every situation and we can trust Him fully.  There are many types of dangers that we may face and there are a variety of threats that may leave us fearful.  We can have confidence that the Lord knows and that He is able to give us all of the relief that we need.  This great protection should give us confidence and lead us to worship Him all the days of our lives.

GOD DELIVERS US FROM EVILS: There are many types of enemies and dangers that we may face.  There are traps that may be set for us but the Lord is there to protect us like a bird protects her young.  Many evils happen under the cover of darkness or in the horrors of war and due to plagues that may occur but God is able to deliver us from all of those things.  Even when we are surrounded by evil and destruction and danger are on every side, God is able to deliver us.  We can rest in His power and trust in His love knowing that He is in control and is able to care for us in every situation.  This knowledge should give us peace and motivate our praise.

GOD DESTROYS THE ENEMY: The Lord is more powerful than any enemy that we may face.  In the end, we will be able to look back and see the powerful provision of the Lord.  Our enemies will have all fallen by the wayside and we will be able to look at the powerful work that the Lord has done.  Satan tried to quote this Psalm to Christ in a way of encouraging Him to tempt God by jumping from the mountain saying that God would protect Him with angels.  We should never put God to the test like that but we can rest in Him and know that He can send angels to our rescue or He can simply trample the most powerful beasts under His feet.  This power and protections should motivate a deep love in our hearts for Him all the days of the life He gives us.


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