Proverbs 3:1-12

God is the Creator of our lives and He knows how we should function.  He knows that we will find our greatest fulfillment in doing what He has designed us to do.  Unfortunately, ever since the fall of Adam, the hearts of man have been burdened with sinfulness that causes us to rebel against God instead of do what He desires.  Our tendency is to look at ourselves as gods and follow our own way, but that is not how we were made to function.  We are worshipers and find our greatest joy in worshiping God.  It is pure deception for us to believe that we will find joy in being worshiped.  We must remember that our greatest joy will be found in Him.

HEAR THE LORD: If we are going to please the Lord we must learn to hear the Lord.  We have received instruction from God through His Word and the people that He has placed around us.  We must not forget that instruction but do all we can to remember it and strive to follow it.  This will bring us a long and peaceful life.  The love and faithfulness of God must be the focus of our attention because as we follow them we will find favor with God as well as other men.  He has given us all of the instruction that we need in His Word.  We must set time aside to hear the Word and we must set our hearts to obey His Word.

TRUST THE LORD: If we are going to please the Lord we must learn to trust the Lord.  It is impossible to please the Lord if we do not trust the Lord.  We must recognize that our own human understanding is fallen and seriously flawed.  His ways are always right, so if we will recognize that, swallow our own foolish pride and simply trust Him and His Word, He will make our paths straight.  We often interpret this passage as a promise that God will lead and direct us.  However, the passages seems to be teaching that God has directed our paths through His Word so if we will trust His teaching, fear Him and turn away from our own sinful leanings; He will bless us with healing and refreshment.

HONOR THE LORD: If we are going to please the Lord we must learn to honor the Lord.  When God is faithful to bless us; we must be faithful to honor Him.  We honor Him by offering the first portion of our production to Him.  God does not need our money, but He is honored when we recognized our increase has come from Him by returning a portion to Him.  When we are faithful to do this, He is faithful to bless us with more with which we can be faithful to Him.  We must honor the Lord be gracefully accepting God’s discipline and reproof because it is a demonstration of His love.


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