Psalm 144:1-15

Praising the Lord is one of the most important things that we were created to do.  That does not mean that we all need to be able to sing or play instruments like David, music is only one form of praise.  David was a musician so he sang, played his instruments and composed Psalms as a means of praising the Lord.  Not all of us are that talented but that does not excuse us from praising the Lord with the gifts that God has given to us.  We can use our prayers, our words and even our actions as means of praising the Lord.  The key to praising the Lord is recognizing His works in our lives and then being grateful for them and telling Him and others about it.  David set a great example for us of praising the Lord through his prayers.

WE PRAISE GOD FOR HIS PROTECTION: As David looks around, he sees that he has been surrounded by enemies who are violent, dishonest and wicked.  Instead of lashing out at God in fear, David takes up his instruments of praise and begins to tell of the greatness of God.  Praise has a way of putting our circumstances into a proper perspective.  When our God controls the thunder and lighting and can reach down from heaven to make the mountains smoke we suddenly realize that He is more than able to rescue us from whatever enemies may surround us.  David prays that God will show His power and rescue him from these men but he also recognizes that he is insignificant and unworthy of God’s attention.  He only makes it plain that he has but his trust fully in the Lord and that God is his only refuge.  God loves it when we trust Him.  It is perhaps one of the greatest means of praise available to us.  We can trust God to protect us and we should praise Him for it.

WE PRAISE GOD FOR HIS PROVISION: David envisions God’s working in his life and the lives of his countrymen in such a way that they will not only be protected from their enemies; but they will also prosper under God’s gracious provision.  David praises God because he knows that God is able to provide in amazing ways.  David envisions the sons and daughters of his people being strong and secure.  He sees their fields and farms full of grain and fat productive animals.  He sees his people at peace and abundantly provided for because they trust is God.  David sees the provision of God and prays that it be evident in the lives of his people.  This type of praying demonstrates God’s faithfulness and David’s confidence.  Once again David shows that he is dependent upon God for provision and that He trusts God to meet his needs.  We spend a lot of time worrying and fretting about our provisions.  God is honored when we take those cares to Him and trust Him to provide.  We can trust God to provide for our families in abundant ways and we should faithfully praise Him for it.


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