Psalm 146:1-10

Praising God is our life long occupation.  We should constantly be urging ourselves to praise Him and lift up His holy name.  David promises to make praise the priority of his life for his entire life.  We would do well to follow this example.  David gives us a stark contrast between the realities of those who trust in men and those who trust in God.   We are too easily impressed by men who attain a certain level of power on this earth.  Our tendency is to put political figures, athletes and wealthy men up on pedestals that belong to God and God alone.  We must guard our hearts from this idolatry and urge our hearts to faithfully praise the Lord.  David demonstrates good and compelling reasons that we should praise the Lord.

WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE HE IS PERMANENT: David calls on believes to not put their trust in princes or any man for that matter because they are powerless to save us from our sin and because their power is limited and temporary.  No matter how “great” a man may be in the eyes of other men; he is still powerless to save even himself, much less others.  One day he will die and his body will decay in the earth just like everyone else.  Man’s power and all of his plans come to a screeching halt at his death.  We will be far more please and successful if we place our trust in the Lord.  He is the one who has created all things.  He is over all of His creation and He will continue over all of creation for all of eternity.  The reign of God is from everlasting to everlasting.  It will never end.  He alone is worth of our praise.

WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE HE IS COMPASSIONATE: Unlike the power of man that is unable to save, God is able, willing and active in the work of salvation.  He is compassionate towards those who are in need of help and hope.  The oppressed find justice from the Lord.  The hungry will be fed.  The imprisoned are set free.  The blind can see.  The low are lifted.  God extends His everlasting love to those who have found righteousness through their faith and trust in Him.  He gives a home to those that are strangers and He gives help to the widows and orphans.  God has always been like that and He always will be like that.  His desire for us is that we demonstrate these qualities as well.  One of the greatest means of praising God is by imitating Him.  His compassion is without compare but we should strive to praise Him by being compassionate to those around us.


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