Psalm 148:1-14

David sends out a call to praise and worship to all of creation.  God has created everything and everyone for the purpose of praising and worshiping Him.  David sees the entire universe coming together in an anthem of praise to our God.  The truth of the matter is that the only parts of the universe that does not do this naturally are the human and demonic beings that He created.  We are the ones created with wills and therefor the most capable of praise but also the most capable of blasphemy.  All of the rest of creation groans under the curse of sin longing for that glorious day when we all join in that anthem of praise we were created to perform for an audience of ONE.

THE HEAVENS PRAISE THE LORD: The heavens are made up of all the angelic hosts as well as the celestial bodies in the vast expanse of the universe.  God created the angels to minister in His presence for all of eternity and to serve Him in the world that He made.  Some of the angels rebelled and are no longer in His presence, but many remain faithfully before Him to praise Him and serve Him and they do this brilliantly day after day.  The sun the moon and the stars that fill the sky with light and the galaxies that spread across the universe all are an awe inspiring song of praise to the Lord.  God created them for this purpose and has decreed that they praise Him for all of eternity.  As we behold the expanse of sky and the myriad of stars above us they should inspire us to join them in the anthem of praise to our God.

THE EARTH PRAISES THE LORD: All of the creatures with whom we share this planet are created by God for His glory and they praise Him with all that they do.  The huge sea creatures to the tiny fish and plants in the sea all float and swim to the glory of God.  The weather whether hot or cold clam or stormy reveals the glory of God.  The majestic mountains, the rolling hills and all of the trees and plant that grow on them wave their branches and leaves in praise to our God.  All the animals and things that creep on the ground live their lives for the glory of God.  As we appreciate the beauty and the variety of God’s creation revealed in the planet on which we live; we should desire to lift our voices and join them in the anthem of praise to our God.

THE PEOPLE PRAISE THE LORD: All of the people on this planet were created for the purpose of praising the Lord.  The kings that rule over the nations are called to worship God.  Young men and women are to join up with the elderly and the young children to praise the Lord.  The responsibility to worship does not depend on position, age, gender or race.  All people everywhere were created by God for the purpose of praising God.  We are well equipped to do this job and God is pleased when we fulfill that purpose for which we were created.  Wherever we travel and whoever we are with we must constantly remind and encourage our fellow man to join us in the anthem of praise to our God.


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