Psalm 147:1-20

David continues with his reasons for praising the Lord and urges us to us all of our might and all of our strength to praise Him at all times.  It is good for us and it is pleasing to God when we praise Him.  We will find our greatest satisfaction in life when we fulfill that which we were created to do.  We bring the most glory to God when we do what He made us to do.  God is worth of our praise for many reasons and it is good for us to recall those reasons on a regular basis because it will spur us on to worship and praise Him as we were created to do.

WE PRAISE HIM BECAUSE HE HEALS THE BROKENHEARTED: God is a kind and merciful God who takes great compassion upon the weak and oppressed.  He gathers the outcasts and He takes care of their broken bodies and broken hearts.  No matter how powerful the enemies we face may be, the Lord’s power is far greater than all of them.  He knows the stars by name and has placed them in the universe by His awesome might.  His understanding is limitless.  Yet, this magnificent, all-powerful God takes compassion on the lowly and the humble.  He cares for us when we are unable to take care of ourselves.

WE PRAISE HIM BECAUSE HE HELPS THOSE WHO FEAR HIM: God is in control of all of the events of this world and hold all of creation in His hands and under His control.  He brings the rain that the earth needs.  He makes the grass grow so that even the animals have all the food that they need.  God is not impressed with the power of the creatures that He has created.  It does not please Him when we trust in ourselves and our own strength.  God is pleased by those who recognize His greatness and stand before Him if fear and faith.  We ought to stand in awe of Him and take great hope in His love and trust in His great love.  God responds to our faith and fear by giving us His protection and provision.  He is in control of all of our circumstances and generously blesses those who walk in fear of Him.

WE PRAISE HIM BECAUSE HE HAS REVEALED HIMSELF TO US: One of the greatest privileges that we have as believes is the fact that God has revealed Himself to us.  David reminds Israel of the blessed truth that they had been given the Law of the Lord.  He had shown to them the truth about Himself and what He required of them.  Knowing God is spirit and in truth is the greatest blessing that we could ever have.  Beyond God’s healing our hurts and beyond God provision and protection is His greatest blessing of revealing Himself to us.  The fact that we know God and have His Word in our language should fill our hearts and mouths with praise to His holy name. 


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