Jeremiah 40:1-16

A remnant has always been a part of God’s plan for the children of Israel.  Even during the darkest days of the history of the nation, there was always a remnant of faithful men who feared the Lord.  When Nebuchadnezzar conquered the nation there was a great slaughter of people and many others were taken captive and exiled in Babylon.  However, God had him leave a remnant of people behind to care for the land.  Nebuchadnezzar appointed Gedaliah as the governor of the land and allowed the poorest people to remain in the land and gather its produce.  They were under Babylonian rule but they were still in the land.  God is always looking for men and women who will remain faithful to Him in the midst of difficult circumstances.

JEREMIAH IS RELEASED FROM CAPTIVITY: Jeremiah’s Babylonian captors knew he had foretold the fall of Jerusalem.  His own people had imprisoned him, tried to kill him and kept him in chains.  The captain of the army releases Jeremiah from his chains and gives him complete freedom to stay in Israel or to return to Babylon where he would be well cared for.  Jeremiah opts to stay in Judah and is told to seek out Gedaliah who is governor to be given a monthly allowance and protection.  This nation of unbelievers recognized the quality of Jeremiah’s character to a greater extent than his own people had.  It is a sad thing when the children of the world treat believers better than the children of the Lord.  Jeremiah chose to stay and help his people as opposed to going to Babylon and lining in comfort and ease.

SOME JUDIANS REMAIN ON THE LAND: Besides Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar permitted some of the poorest people of the nation to stay behind and live in the land.  This was a productive land that could produce many things that would be helpful in Babylon.  These people would be able to make the land productive and pay tribute to the kingdom.  When word of this remnant spread to outlying nations, several refugees decided they would like to return to the land and came to join the other remnant.  Those who were allowed to remain were treated with surprising graciousness and were able to become prosperous in harvesting the produce of the land.  God is faithful to take care of His own and is in control of everything including the hearts of pagan kings.  God will always keep His promise both to punish and preserve.  We can trust him fully.

GEDALIAH REFUSES TO BELIEVE WARNINGS: Gedaliah seems to be a benevolent governor for the land and the people.  He has been established as the mediator between the people who remained in Judah and the Empire of Babylon.  However, all leaders have enemies as well as people who pretend to want to help in order to advance their own cause.  Johanan and Ishmael are two men who have returned to Judah and have been offered the opportunity to stay on the land and serve under Gedaliah.  Johanan warns Gedaliah that Ishmael has been sent by the Ammonite king to assassinate him.  Johanan offers to go protect the king by killing Ishmael first but the king does not believe the reports and continues to go about business as usual.  It can be very hard to discern who is loyal and who is seeking self-promotion.  We would do well to pray for wisdom.


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