Jeremiah 42:1-22

Decisions are often very difficult for us to make.  We often find ourselves in situations where we honestly do not know what the right thing to do is.  There are other times when we know exactly what we want to do but we are pretty sure that it is not God’s will so we look for excuses or support to do our own will instead of the Lord’s.  The remnant of Judah finds themselves in such a place.  They fear the reproductions of the rebellion of Ishmael will fall upon them even though they were innocent.  The only logical decision in their minds is to flee for their lives to Egypt.  This is the general consensus but before they move forward they decide to seek for the will of God in this matter.  

THE PEOPLE SEEK FOR GOD’S WILL FROM JEREMIAH: Jeremiah is generally recognized as the secure source for knowing God’s will.  The people go to him and ask for him to seek God’s will as to what they should do.  There is an interesting play on words that happens in the text were the people ask for Jeremiah to seek YOUR God but Jeremiah agrees to seek YOUR God for an answer.  Jeremiah promises to go to God and then to report to them exactly what the Lord revealed to him.  The people promise to believe and completely obey the will of God no matter what it is.  They promise to submit to God’s will so He will bless them and not punish him.  This is a perfect example of how we should be every time we are exposed to the Word of God.  We should open God’s Word and our places of worship with an attentive ear to hear and an open heart to obey all God tells us to do.

JEREMIAH SPEAKS ABOUT GOD’S WILL TO THE PEOPLE: Jeremiah inquires of God for ten straight days before God speaks to him about what to tell the people.  Too often we pray to the Lord expecting immediate answers from Him.  Jeremiah shows persistence and patience are essential to knowing the will of God.  Jeremiah’s directions from God are very clear and precise.  He tells the people in no uncertain terms that they are not, under any circumstances, to flee to Egypt.  God promises to protect them for Babylon and prosper them in the land He has promised them as long as they remain in the land.  However, He promises that if they disobey the Word of God and flee into Egypt; He will punish them with sword, famine and pestilence.  The people are tired of war and think there is more war on the way to Israel and think they will find peace in Egypt.  Jeremiah lets them know they are sorely mistaken and challenges them to stay as they had promised to obey.  When we seek for God’s will in our lives we must be prepared to hear answers that are not to our liking.  Jeremiah warns them and all of us to be obedient to the will of God no matter what the cirucumstance.   


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