Jeremiah 46:1-28

God is the Judge of the nations and the world.  There is an erroneous perception that God’s only concern in the Old Testament was the children of Israel.  God’s desire has always been to demonstrate His glory in all the nations and be worshiped by all the nations.  His dealings with Israel and Judah were, and continue to be, a vital part of that strategy but by no means is it His only strategy.  This chapter and the ones to follow, demonstrate God’s concern for, involvement in and judgment on the nations.  Jeremiah turns his attention to Egypt and reveals God’s plan for judging this nation.

EGYPT WILL PREPARE FOR BATTLE: Egypt will know that war is on the way and will call the surrounding nations to join forces with her to help protect her from the invading army of Chaldeans.  These mercenary soldiers will be numerous, bold and brave.  Egypt and her allies will have great confidence that they are sufficient to ward off the attack of their enemies.  They are wrong.  When men face danger their first reaction is always to trust in their own strength or the strength of men with who they are allied.  God calls all men to recognize their dependence upon Him and rest in His protection and care.  No matter how powerful we think we are and how many allies we have surrounding us; our trust must never be in ourselves or other men.  God must always be the focus of our trust and the source of our hope.

EGYPT WILL PERISH IN BATTLE: Jeremiah predicts that Egypt and her allies will go into battle against Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar.  They will go out with great confidence and be certain of victory only to be cut down in battle and have to flee for their lives.  The potent armies of Egypt and he allies are powerless to stand before God’s judgment upon them.  For generations they have worshiped gods of their own invention and have consistently rejected the revelation of the one and only God of the universe.  Their pride and idolatry is about to be judged by God and their armies will pay the price.  Many will be killed in battle, many more will be taken into captivity and many of these boasting soldiers will run away from the battle in fear for their lives.  God is the sovereign judge of the universe and will always reign victorious over all nations.

ISRAEL WILL HAVE PEACE FROM BATTLE: Egypt’s fall will be great and massive as will the fall of all men and nations who rebel against the Lord.  However, God will preserve a small remnant and restore the presence of inhabitants in Egypt.  Jeremiah also gives great assurance to Israel that even though the nation in which she had placed her trust, Egypt, would fall; God has not abandoned His promises to restore Israel to the land in the future.  God will grant peace to the land and bring back His people to the land in order that they might worship Him wholly.  God’s discipline of His children is always in an effort to restore them to a place of effective worship.  We must strive to learn this lesson in our own lives as the Lord uses various means to discipline us according to His sovereign will. 


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