Jeremiah 45:1-5

Baruch is Jeremiah’s scribe.  He has had the unenviable task of writing down the many terrible prophecies of the Lord against the nation of Judah and Israel.  It is difficult for us to receive bad news but it is also difficult to give bad news, especially when it involves your nation, your neighbors and your family.  Jeremiah and Baruch have been faithful to reveal and record the Word of God during a very difficult time, but that does not make it easy.  The message they had to give made it very clear that they would see many heartaches and sorrows.  Those who seek to serve the Lord in a time of judgment must recognize that they will suffer loss but must remain faithful and humble because God is able to preserve the just in the midst of His judgment of the unjust.

BARUCH IS DISCOURAGED BY THE PROPHECIES OF GOD: God has made it very clear that Israel will be severely judged.  The nation will fall to the Babylonians and the land will be under the authority of a foreign king.  Many of the people will be killed and many more will be taken into captivity.  These are not just cold words spoken about some other nation.  These are the promises of God’s judgment on Baruch’s nation and the radically change his hopes and dreams.  Like every man, Baruch had hopes of being an influential member of a healthy society.  None of that would come true so he experiences pain, sorrow and discouragement.  There are times in the outworking of God’s plan of redemption that His children must face sorrow and suffering.  We must be careful not to despair but trust in the Lord’s sovereign plan. 

BARUCH IS ENCOURAGED BY THE PROTECTION OF GOD: God affirms His plans to uproot and destroy that which He has planted and built.  This is not the time for God’s servants to be aspiring to great things because God is extending His hand of judgment on a sinful majority.  This is the time to humbly bow before the mighty hand of God and recognize His right to judge the sins of men.  However, God does promise to protect Baruch in the midst of these wars and hardships because of His faithfulness to serve Him.  Even though he will experience war and captivities; God promises to spare his life in the midst of these hardships.  No matter how difficult our society might become and how dangerous a circumstance we may face in our service to the Lord; God is able to protect His children according to His will.


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