Jeremiah 48:1-47

Just because something has never happened, does not mean that it never will.  Moab was a nation that had escaped defeat in battle for generation after generation.  They had yet to experience captivity and had been left alone.  They had negotiated peace agreements with Israel but did not align themselves with other nations in such a way that they would be seen as a threat to larger nations and yet they were strong enough that smaller nations did not have the courage to come out against her.  However it happened, Moab had managed to stay in that and took great comfort as well as pride in that fact.  All of that was about to change.  There are many nations today that have, for whatever reason, been able to stand for many generations.  A sense of invincibility is a dangerous thing.  God will eventually judge all the nations no matter how great or small.

THE REALITY OF MOAB’S DESTRUCTION: Moab came into existence because of Lot’s drunkenness and the sin of his daughters bearing children through their father.  None the less, the nation had grown, prospered and been cunning enough to escape destruction and captivity.  It was able to sense the signs of the times and align itself with the right nation at the right time so it did not become the object of war and destruction.  Jeremiah informs them that this was about to change.  The Chaldeans are on a rampage of domination and will not allow Moab to remain standing even though she had been Babylon’s ally in the destruction of Judah and Egypt; her days of security were over.  Judgment would come upon her like a storm and she would be utterly destroyed.  It may appear that certain nations are exempt from God’s judgment but that is only our mistaken perception.  God stands over all nations and will eventually judge all.  God’s judgment is a reality no matter how things may look to us.  The wise will be prepared for this coming judgment.

THE REASON FOR MOAB’S DESTRUCTION: Jeremiah gives two clear reasons for the coming destruction on Moab.  The first reason was she had become a source of derision to Israel.  Moab had managed to trick Israel into a peace agreement at the beginning of the conquest of the Promised Land.  However, since the time she had managed to infiltrate the nation of Israel with her idolatrous practices that were an abomination to the Lord.  One of the reasons God had to judge Israel so severely was due to Moab’s influence.  The second reason was her pride and arrogance.  She had become a strong and powerful nation with great wealth and political influence in the region.  Prosperity and power will almost always lead us into the sin of pride.  God hates pride because it drives us to independence of Him.  God created us to be dependent upon Him and to live for His glory.  Pride causes us to be self-sufficient and seek our own glory.  Moab was full of pride but was about to be humbled under the hand of God’s judgment just as every man and nation who seeks self-promotion through self-sufficiency today will be condemned in God’s judgment.

THE REACH OF MOAB’S DESTRUCTION: The reach of Moab’s destruction will be complete.  Jeremiah lists every major city of the nation as being poured out like wine from a cup.  The cities and the nation will fall and be destroyed.  Those who flee from the destruction of war will fall into a hole as they flee.  Those who are able to climb out of the hole will be entangled in a snare.  The nation will be destroyed and the few who escape death will be ensnared into captivity.  God’s judgment is always complete and there are none who will be able to hide or run from it.  No matter how strong we think we are our how well we have camouflaged our sin, God knows and He will judge completely.  The chapter ends with a quick glimpse of hope for spiritual restoration.  This is God’s gracious provision of forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus that will eventually spread to every nation so that even the descendants of the ancient nation of Moab will hear the Gospel and some will be saved by the grace of and for the glory of God.   It is by His grace we have been saved in order to escape His coming judgment.  We must be faithful to spread the Gospel so God’s grace might be extended and His glory be exalted in every nation.


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