Daniel 8:1-27

Daniel has another vision this time of a ram and a goat.  We are given a very clear interpretation of this vision and it clearly covers two of the four kingdoms mentioned in the two previous visions.  The previous two visions had more specific details about the fourth kingdom so now we are given more details about the second and third kingdom since Daniel is currently experiencing the reign of the first kingdom.  God’s revelation of future events demonstrates His power and control over the events of the earth and should be a source of comfort to all believers.  The fulfillment of these prophetic passages in history gives us a model for interpreting Scripture as well as proof of the inspiration and authority of Scripture.

THE RAM: The ram is described as having two notable horns one of which is higher than the other.  This is interpreted for Daniel as depicting the kingdom of the Meads and the Persians.  The two horns represent the two kingdoms and the higher horn represents the fact that the Persian kingdom was dominant.  This was a powerful empire that conquered Babylon during Daniel’s days and became a world dominating power.  The Persian Empire was kind to the nation of Israel as can be seen in the books of Esther, Nehemiah and Ezra. The Lord uses the nations of the world as He sees fit to accomplish His purposes in the world. 

THE GOAT: The goat is described in much more detail and depicts the kingdom of Greece.  The speed of the goat represents the speed with which Greece conquered the world.  The notorious horn on the goat represents Alexander the Great and the breaking of that horn is his death at the young age of 33.  After his death, his four generals assumed control of the kingdom and ruled over the various regions of the nation.  None of them were as powerful as Alexander had been.  The little horn describes the ruler of the Syrian region that was in charge of the land of Israel.  His name was Antiochus Epiphanes.  He was a very imposing ruler who hates Israel.  He imposed Greek culture and religion on the nation of Israel.  He prohibited the religious practices of the Jewish nation and he desecrated the temple by offering a pig on the altar.  This irreverent ruler reminds us of another ruler that is yet to come known as Anti-Christ.  The nation of Israel had been restored and rebuilt by the Persians, but they once again strayed from the Lord and were judged by this terrible king.  God will faithfully discipline His children.


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