Ezekiel 47:1-23

Renewal and restoration are wonderful blessings promised by God to His people.  Throughout the history of mankind the curse of sin has consistently made a mess of this world.  This will continue as time goes on and will intensify as we reach the latter days.  In preparation for the second coming of Christ, God will judge the earth with super-natural judgments that will increase the destruction on the earth.  War, famine and plagues from heaven will result in death and desolation during this time of tribulation on the earth.  However, this time of judgment will also be a great time of spiritual harvest especially in the children of Israel.  As New Testament prophecies begin to come true, Israel will recognize that they crucified Messiah and will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  The nations will rise up to attack Israel and this time of tribulation will come to an end with the spectacular second coming of Christ.  I believe this is the setting in which this vision from God takes place.

A RIVER OF LIFE: Ezekiel sees a spring of water flowing from the sanctuary of the temple.  As the stream leaves the east gate it is only ankle deep, but as it gets further from the temple the depth of the river increases until it becomes a deep river.  When this river hits the sea the sea become fresh water.  This is clearly a river like no river we have seen before.  This river stimulates the growth of fruit bearing trees all along its banks that bear fruit every month.  The river also is teaming with all kinds of fish that provide life sustaining food.  This river will bring renewal and restoration to a land that has been destroyed by the effects of sin.  The conditions of earth will be restored to the way things were in the Garden of Eden.  The power of God is able to make all things new.  Not only will God renew and restore the land but He will also renew and restore the hearts of men.  During the reign of Christ on earth there will be peace and prosperity and the children of Israel will worship Him and promote the worship of the Lord in all the nations of the world.

A RESTORATION OF LAND: Not only will the land be renewed but the divisions of the land will be restored to the twelve tribes of Israel.  Ezekiel is given the borders of the land of Israel that are very similar to the description of the land promised to Abraham.  Throughout the history of the nation her boarders have constantly been challenged and invaded.  This will all come to an end as the land of Israel is divided as an inheritance to the tribes of Israel.  God keeps His promises and will fulfill them in ways that exceed our expectations.  We can trust Him and rest in the truth that He is in control of the events on this earth.  He has a plan for renewal and restoration on every level.  He does it in the hearts of all who trust Him and will continue to do it until all who have trusted Christ will gather around His eternal throne and worship Him is spirit and in truth.


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