Ezekiel 39:1-29

Ezekiel continues to reveal the Lord’s plans to judge Gog and the nations who align with Gog.  It is clear that God intends to judge this nation in a very severe way for their attack on Israel.  In Ezekiel’s day the army that came against Israel was successful and brought down havoc upon the children of Israel.  Many nations, including Israel, may have wrongly assumed that the successful invasion of Israel was because God was unable to protect them.  This prophecy about the future of Israel makes it very clear that God is still fully capable of protecting the nation; and that the Babylonian invasion was God’s means of judging the sinfulness of Israel.  God will never have a lack of power to do exactly what He chooses in this world.

THE DESTRUCTION OF GOG: As in the previous chapter Ezekiel describes God’s leading Gog and the coalition of nations with her to Israel for the purpose demonstrating His power.  This massive and powerful army will be supernaturally destroyed by the Lord.  A massive earthquake will cause many to be buried under the rubble of the mountains that fall.  Many more will be killed in the open fields as they kill one another in the confusion God will cause.  Others will be consumed in fire that God will send down from heaven.  Using multiple means God will demonstrate His awesome power and the people have no ability to withstand His mighty hand.

THE DISPOSAL OF GOG: The dead bodies of the soldiers who will be killed by the Lord’s destruction will be spread across the valley.  These bodies will need to be buried and taken care of.  God will send birds and vultures from all over to feast on the bodies of those who have fallen in battle.  Israel will send out a team of men who will spend seven months burying the bodies and bones of the men from Gog who attacked them.  Israel will not need to fight the war but will be left with the task of cleansing the land from the bodies of men.  It is certainly a sobering sight to imagine and a clear demonstration of God’s power and might.

THE DEDICATION OF ISRAEL: This time of protection of Israel is followed by a spiritual revival in Israel were the nation is filled with the Spirit of God and their hearts are cleansed of sin.  In Ezekiel’s day, Israel’s bodies were the ones being buried because of their sinfulness.  However, Ezekiel is given a vision of a day when Israel would once again enjoy the supernatural protection of God and enjoy the cleansing of their sins.  Israel will once again be dedicated to the worship of God and God will use His demonstration of power in Israel to draw many men to Himself.


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